   I have a data driven dynamic layout out, in this small example, when i show 
the page i could have  1 to  6 BrorderContainer, how can i exclude items form 
the layout and have the  dynamically fill the remaining space, State would get 
overly complex 


b1.excludFromLayout = true; 

<s:VGroup gap="0">

   <s:Label text="{activityType}" />

   <s:BorderContainer width="{pageWidth.width}">
      <s:Label verticalAlign="bottom" left="10" text="{pageNumber}" 
fontSize="20"  />
      <s:Label left="40" text="{sound}"  />

   <s:HGroup gap="0" id="pageWidth">
      <s:BorderContainer  id="b1" width="20" backgroundColor="green" 
cornerRadius="0" borderColor="black"/>
      <s:BorderContainer  id="b2" width="20" backgroundColor="yellow" 
cornerRadius="0" borderColor="black"/>
      <s:BorderContainer  id="b3" width="20" backgroundColor="gray" 
cornerRadius="0"  borderColor="black"/>
      <s:BorderContainer  id="b4" width="20" backgroundColor="white" 
cornerRadius="0" borderColor="black"/>
      <s:BorderContainer  id="b5" width="20" backgroundColor="green" 
cornerRadius="0" borderColor="black"/>
      <s:BorderContainer  id="b6" width="20" backgroundColor="green" 
cornerRadius="0" borderColor="black"/>



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