Just a quick reply... I understood your point about you weren't asking to open 
source any code, (perhaps it was me that was not clear) I was only stating that 
if the migration was successful I would be very open to make non-core modules 
and components open source if it helped the Flex/Royale community in some way, 
from the perspective the healthier the community the better for me / everyone 
working with Flex/Royale.

I'll grab a copy of Royale later today and if I have any questions I will ask 
on the Royale List which I have yet to subscribe.


-----Original Message-----
From: Alex Harui [mailto:aha...@adobe.com.INVALID] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 25, 2017 4:08 PM
To: users@flex.apache.org; us...@royale.apache.org
Subject: Re: Apache Royale Compiler 

Hi Carlos,

I will move this discussion to the Royale list.

I'm sorry I wasn't clear enough.  We aren't asking you to open source your
code.   We are just saying that if you choose to go with Royale/FlexJS
right now you will be a high-priority user.  As opposed to maybe 3 years from 
now when we have 100's of users asking for things. If there is a bug or missing 
feature in the Royale components, we will work on it ASAP.  If you having 
trouble finding a bug, we will try to help you find it.  That's why I said it 
was like having an extended team.  Once we have more users it will harder to 
get rapid response to solving your problems.  If you go with Royale now, you 
essentially get the experts help when you need it.

The way it works is that you grab a copy of Royale and start the migration and 
ask questions and file bugs.  I think Harbs and Yishay have some migration 
lessons learned they can share.  You may need to create a simple test case for 
some bugs or show snippets of your code, but you won't have to make the whole 
thing public.  If you run into an issue that can't be reproduced in a simple 
test case, and we need to see your code, we can often do a screen share via 
Skype or Adobe Connect.  If you need a Non-Disclosure Agreement we can look 
into that.

I personally have seen a dozen or so Flex application source codebases over the 
years from the Adobe Flex days.  And yeah, they aren't always as well-coded as 
one might like, but I have low expectations there so don't worry about your 
code quality.  It is what it is, and we want Royale to work without requiring 
users to clean up code.

Let us know if you want to get started.

On 10/25/17, 12:26 PM, "Carlos Cruz" <car...@nbtbizcapital.com> wrote:

>Hi Alex;
>I have often thought of making most of the software I've worked on 
>"open source" the 2 main reasons I haven't is: 1. because there's no 
>documentation (yes I do know better) 2. I'm not that good of a coder, I 
>think if there was an international coding contest I would come just 
>ahead of the shepherd from the Balkans that does not yet get internet. 
>I think I'm pretty good at business process development but coding is 
>another story.
>I'm not sure if my project is the type of project that is suitable for 
>community development.  But if the community wants it I'll gladly share 
>the source code I have as long as it benefits the Flex community. The 
>only module which I'm not willing to share is a telephony module 
>because that's the one I use in my business and I spend the  most time with.
>The application is a multi-tenant hosted modular system the main 
>Application is currently named: CruzControlUrBusiness (I'm not that 
>vain, if I ever release it will be called it ezworkx) . The main  
>application manages the loading of all the other modules (using Module 
>Component) into a ViewStack component. The backend is a Java backend via 
>The idea behind the project was to help related and non-related 
>individuals and / or teams to work on projects or tasks.
>I haven't done much work on the application lately because I've been 
>uncertain as to which JS platform to use. There are other modules like 
>Invoice which I'm also willing to share, but like the Store Module it 
>deviates greatly from the strategy I am intending on using. The 
>direction I started working on was using the Designer Module to enable 
>users to create their own applications using a drag-and-drop interface 
>with data specific components.  The business modules like Invoicing and 
>Store I am planning to use the Apache Project OFBiz (Service Engine 
>only) as the back end logic via a Spring API which I can also make 
>available. If you find any of this useful, I could also help the 
>community with some Virtual Machines from my office running on Dell 1950 that 
>I'm not using.
>The application uses a windowing interface heavily based on someone 
>else's project I believe is called Dashboard, but there are no 
>restrictions on its use, but if the app is converted to JS this become 
>If you have any questions or if I can be of any help to the community 
>let me know. If you want in +/- 1 week I can set it up in a public 
>accessible server. But because of the incomplete status of the 
>application, lack of documentation and my coding abilities no need to 
>get excited. Despite all my warts I would like to convert what I have 
>to JS and continue the development, I just been finding most frameworks 
>and / or libraries lacking the App Building abilities of Flex, that's 
>why I've been wanting to test FlexJS.
>I think the modules of most wide interest are listed below with the SWF 
>size in KB.
>CruzControlBusiness_Calendar                                   1653
>CruzControlBusiness_Contacts_Manager                   2007
>CruzControlBusiness_Inventory                                  1768 (used to 
>manage what modules,
>tools and screens are available to a client if app is being hosted)
>CruzControlBusiness_Msg_Center                         3626 (team and 
>communications -> ie email, internal text messages)
>CruzControlBusiness_Store                                      1717 (module 
>and feature selection heavily
>Based on the old Adobe Store, meant to be temporary)                   
>CruzControlUrBusiness                                          6364 (main 
>CruzControlUrBusiness_Classifieds                              1782
>CruzControlUrBusiness_CMS                                      1664 (the 
>system's content manager)
>CruzControlUrBusiness_Communicator                             2191 (internal 
>team video and text
>messaging client) 
>CruzControlUrBusiness_Designer                         1666 (report and screen 
>CruzControlUrBusiness_Project_Manager                  1766
>CruzControlUrBusiness_Writer                                   2240 (my 
>attempt at a basic text editor
>based on TLF)
>CruzControlUrBusiness_GroupCalendar                            1537
>CruzControlUrBusiness_Scheduler                                1644
>For testing purposes they are distinct Flex applications but are meant 
>to be used as components, mostly with the Project Manager module for 
>internal information exchange as they're not meant to be full Blog, 
>Forum, Wiki applications. The Wiki was also meant to be the help system.
>CruzControlBusiness_Blog                                       1740
>CruzControlBusiness_Forums                                     1742
>CruzControlUrBusiness_Wiki                                     1660    
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Alex Harui [mailto:aha...@adobe.com.INVALID]
>Sent: Tuesday, October 24, 2017 11:52 PM
>To: users@flex.apache.org
>Subject: Re: Apache Royale Compiler
>Well, it is a quick search and replace if you already have code using 
>Can you tell us more about your application?  I think Harbs is mostly 
>done with his migration so I think we have the bandwidth to "adopt"
>another migration effort.  Your migration issues would be given priority.
> It would be like having extra team members.
>Technically, a main reason for Royale is to automate the conversion of 
>your code from the more structured AS to the less structured JS.
>Manually porting the code is likely to have higher risk of hard-to-find 
>How many SWFs, about how large are the SWFs?  Are you using any 
>third-party libraries?  Any particular components that are key to your 
>On 10/24/17, 12:48 PM, "Carlos Cruz" <car...@nbtbizcapital.com> wrote:
>>Thx!! I appreciate the quick response. I have a huge Flex (flash
>>player) web application to convert, I have yet to decide which 
>>direction to go, so I guess it's a good thing I haven't done too much 
>>work with FlexJS.
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Alex Harui [mailto:aha...@adobe.com.INVALID]
>>Sent: Monday, October 23, 2017 11:11 PM
>>To: users@flex.apache.org
>>Subject: Re: Apache Royale Compiler
>>Hi Carlos,
>>Yes, there are probably changes required.  Look for the word "flexjs"
>>and replace it with "royale".  Then also look for occurrences of just 
>>plain "flex" (especially in package names) and many of those will also 
>>need replacing with "royale".
>>On 10/23/17, 6:01 PM, "Carlos Cruz" <car...@nbtbizcapital.com> wrote:
>>>To test the Royale compiler are any changes to the code required to 
>>>apps targeting FlexJS?

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