Hey all:

One of my AIR mobile apps is big and contains 7 ANE libraries, and takes about 
3 seconds for the AIR runtime to load the SWF before my first view can display.

The native iOS launch screen only displays for about 1 second, leaving about 2 
seconds of blank screen before the app displays.

Using a preloader (SplashScreenImage) I can fill that time with another image 
so it appears to be one splash screen until the SWF is added to the stage. This 
works well if the image is statically embedded (build time) using Embed 
annotation or @Embed in an Image.source assigment.

But I need to display a splash that didn't exist at compile time so I cannot 
Embed the image. I need to dynamically load the image from disk (using Loader) 
but there's no way to do that with SplashScreenImage or SplashScreen 
preloaders. At least I can't find a way. There is only a getImageClass() method 
I can override in a custom SplashScreenImage preloader class, but it requires 
returning an image Class so essentially it requires an image that was compiled 
into the SWF. That won't work for us.

Anyone else ever solved this?



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