
I will try two things

Here is a link to the clearModuleEvents and related code;

Here is a link to the clearEvents and related code;

Here is the clearModuleEvents code pasted differently;

public function clearModuleEvents(mdlModule:UIComponent):void
{   trace('Starting clearModuleEvents')   for(var idx:int = 
mdlModule.numChildren - 1; idx >= 0; idx--)   {       trace('idx=' + idx + ' 
isContainer(objChild)=' +isContainer(objChild) + ' 
isContainer(mdlModule.getChildAt(idx))=' + 
isContainer(mdlModule.getChildAt(idx)));       var objChild:DisplayObject = 
trace('flash.utils.getQualifiedClassName(objChild)=' + 
flash.utils.getQualifiedClassName(objChild));       var 
childContainer:DisplayObjectContainer = objChild as DisplayObjectContainer;     
  clearChildEvents(childContainer);       childContainer = null;       if 
("clearEvents" in objChild)       {           var fncClearEvents:Function = 
objChild["clearEvents"];           if (objChild.hasOwnProperty('id')) 
trace('Clearing Events in==>>' + objChild['id']);           fncClearEvents();   
        fncClearEvents = null;       }       if ("dataProvider" in 
objChild)objChild["dataProvider"] = null;       if ("selectedIndex" in 
objChild)objChild["selectedIndex"] = -1;       if ("selectedItem" in 
objChild)objChild["selectedItem"] = null;       if ("value" in 
objChild)objChild["value"] = null;       if ("text" in 
objChild)objChild["text"] = null;       objChild = null;   }   objChild = null; 
  trace('Finished clearModuleEvents')

private function clearChildEvents(dpsContainer:DisplayObjectContainer):void
{   for(var idx:int = dpsContainer.numChildren - 1; idx >= 0; idx--)   {       
var objChild:DisplayObject = dpsContainer.getChildAt(idx);       if 
(isContainer(objChild))       {           var 
childContainer:DisplayObjectContainer = objChild as DisplayObjectContainer;     
      clearChildEvents(childContainer);           childContainer = null;       
}       if ("killMe" in objChild)       {           var fncKillMe:Function = 
objChild["killMe"];           if (objChild.hasOwnProperty('id')) trace('Killing 
Events in==>>' + objChild['id']);           fncKillMe();           fncKillMe = 
null;       }       else if ("clearEvents" in objChild)       {           var 
fncClearEvents:Function = objChild["clearEvents"];           if 
(objChild.hasOwnProperty('id')) trace('Clearing Events in==>>' + 
objChild['id']);           fncClearEvents();           fncClearEvents = null;   
    }       if ("dataProvider" in objChild)objChild["dataProvider"] = null;     
  if ("selectedIndex" in objChild)objChild["selectedIndex"] = -1;       if 
("selectedItem" in objChild)objChild["selectedItem"] = null;
//        if ("value" in objChild)objChild["value"] = null;       if ("text" in 
objChild)objChild["text"] = null;       objChild = null;   }   objChild = null;

From: Alex Harui <>
Sent: 2/1/19 1:20 PM
To: "" <>, "" 
Subject: Re: instances of objects magically appear...
It was hard to read the code in the email. In the future, try using pastebin or 
some other service, or open a JIRA issue and put the code in there.

I think I saw that a Dictionary was holding the children but it isn't a 
weak-reference dictionary, so that could pin those children in memory.


On 2/1/19, 10:16 AM, "Paul Stearns" wrote:

I am trying to solve my memory leak issue. I have added a clearEvents function 
to my testing modules. My thought is to execute this function prior to 
unloading each module. Towards that end I have created a function in the 
parentApplication called clearModuleEvents which recursively loops through each 
child, and if the "clearEvents " function exists, run it. Then I unload the 

Using the profiler when I execute clearModuleEvents, it seems to create another 
instance of each display object. I am not sure why. I would appreciate if 
someone might tell what might cause that.

Here is the code referenced above;

clearEvents & related code;
protected var dctListeners:Dictionary = new Dictionary(); override public 
function addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean = 
false, priority:int = 0, useWeakReference:Boolean = true):void { var key:Object 
= {type: type, useCapture: useCapture}; if (dctListeners[key]) { 
removeEventListener(type, dctListeners[key], useCapture); dctListeners[key] = 
null; } dctListeners[key] = listener; super.addEventListener(type, listener, 
useCapture, priority, useWeakReference); } public function clearEvents():void { 
trace('TestMemoryLeak clearEvents'); try { for (var key:Object in dctListeners) 
{ removeEventListener(key.type, dctListeners[key], key.useCapture); 
dctListeners[key] = null; } } catch (e:Error) { trace('TestMemoryLeak 
clearEvents error='+e.message); } dctListeners = null; }

clearModuleEvents and related code

public function clearModuleEvents(mdlModule:UIComponent):void
{ trace('Starting clearModuleEvents') for(var idx:int = mdlModule.numChildren - 
1; idx >= 0; idx--) { trace('idx=' + idx + ' isContainer(objChild)=' 
+isContainer(objChild) + ' isContainer(mdlModule.getChildAt(idx))=' + 
isContainer(mdlModule.getChildAt(idx))); var objChild:DisplayObject = 
mdlModule.getChildAt(idx); trace('flash.utils.getQualifiedClassName(objChild)=' 
+ flash.utils.getQualifiedClassName(objChild)); var 
childContainer:DisplayObjectContainer = objChild as DisplayObjectContainer; 
clearChildEvents(childContainer); childContainer = null; if ("clearEvents" in 
objChild) { var fncClearEvents:Function = objChild["clearEvents"]; if 
(objChild.hasOwnProperty('id')) trace('Clearing Events in==>>' + 
objChild['id']); fncClearEvents(); fncClearEvents = null; } if ("dataProvider" 
in objChild)objChild["dataProvider"] = null; if ("selectedIndex" in 
objChild)objChild["selectedIndex"] = -1; if ("selectedItem" in 
objChild)objChild["selectedItem"] = null; if ("value" in 
objChild)objChild["value"] = null; if ("text" in objChild)objChild["text"] = 
null; objChild = null; } objChild = null; trace('Finished clearModuleEvents')

private function clearChildEvents(dpsContainer:DisplayObjectContainer):void
{ for(var idx:int = dpsContainer.numChildren - 1; idx >= 0; idx--) { var 
objChild:DisplayObject = dpsContainer.getChildAt(idx); if 
(isContainer(objChild)) { var childContainer:DisplayObjectContainer = objChild 
as DisplayObjectContainer; clearChildEvents(childContainer); childContainer = 
null; } if ("killMe" in objChild) { var fncKillMe:Function = 
objChild["killMe"]; if (objChild.hasOwnProperty('id')) trace('Killing Events 
in==>>' + objChild['id']); fncKillMe(); fncKillMe = null; } else if 
("clearEvents" in objChild) { var fncClearEvents:Function = 
objChild["clearEvents"]; if (objChild.hasOwnProperty('id')) trace('Clearing 
Events in==>>' + objChild['id']); fncClearEvents(); fncClearEvents = null; } if 
("dataProvider" in objChild)objChild["dataProvider"] = null; if 
("selectedIndex" in objChild)objChild["selectedIndex"] = -1; if ("selectedItem" 
in objChild)objChild["selectedItem"] = null;
// if ("value" in objChild)objChild["value"] = null; if ("text" in 
objChild)objChild["text"] = null; objChild = null; } objChild = null;

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