Version of ant:

ant -version
Apache Ant(TM) version 1.10.6 compiled on May 2 2019

Java :

java -version
openjdk version "1.8.0_181-1-ojdkbuild"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_181-1-ojdkbuild-b13)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.181-b13, mixed mode)

17.07.2019, 01:51, "Ramazan Ergüder Bekrek" <>:
> I think that the correct config settings for a compilation are:
> playerglobal.version=31.0
> playerglobal.swfversion=42
> env.PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME=G:\\programming\\sdks\\air31\\frameworks\\libs\\player
> env.TLF_HOME=G:\\programming\\as3\\flex-tlf
> 17.07.2019, 01:44, "Ramazan Ergüder Bekrek" <>:
>>  I commented that line which generates the error and the build is following!
>>  <!--
>>              Make sure any left-over batik 1.6 libraries are removed to 
>> avoid compile errors.
>>              (super-clean/batik-jars-clean would take also take care of 
>> this.)
>>               <delete dir="${basedir}/${batik.dir}/lib/**" 
>> failonerror="false"/>-->
>>  15.07.2019, 14:07, "Ramazan Ergüder Bekrek" <>:
>>>   Now I have this error:
>>>   C:\Users\ar.rahman\eclipse-workspace\apache-flex\build.xml:162: The 
>>> following error occurred while executing this line:
>>>   C:\Users\ar.rahman\eclipse-workspace\apache-flex\modules\build.xml:64: 
>>> The following error occurred while executing this line:
>>> C:\Users\ar.rahman\eclipse-workspace\apache-flex\modules\downloads.xml:283: 
>>> java.nio.file.InvalidPathException: Illegal char <*> at index 78: 
>>> C:\Users\ar.rahman\eclipse-workspace\apache-flex\modules\thirdparty\batik\lib\**
>>>   15.07.2019, 13:47, "Ramazan Ergüder Bekrek" <>:
>>>>    Greetings!
>>>>    The compilation of the SDK is not working with the current settings 
>>>> although the folders and files are all there:
>>>> env.PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME=G:\\programming\\sdks\\air31\\frameworks\\libs\\player
>>>>    env.AIR_HOME=G:\\programming\\sdks\\air31
>>>>    env.FLASHPLAYER_DEBUGGER=C:\\Program Files\\Adobe\\Adobe Flash Builder 
>>>> 4.7 (64 Bit)\\player\\win\\11.4\\FlashPlayerDebugger.exe
>>>>    I get this error from ant:
>>>>    check-playerglobal-home:
>>>>         [echo] PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME is 
>>>> G:\programming\sdks\air31\frameworks\libs\player\31.0\playerglobal.swc
>>>>         [echo] playerglobal.version is 11.1
>>>>    C:\Users\ar.rahman\eclipse-workspace\apache-flex\build.xml:189: The 
>>>> environment variable PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME is not set to a directory
>>>>    Total time: 421 milliseconds
>>>>    Any reason why it doesn't work?
>>>>    Thanx

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