After looking how the compiler generates MXML states as suggested by Alex I've 
discovered some important details...

Let's say that I have these two UI component in my main UI.

<serviceloader:UIService id="marketplace" purpose="marketplace" width="100%" 
height="100%" bottom="0" includeIn="marketplace"/>
<serviceloader:UIService id="editor" purpose="timeline" width="100%" 
height="35%" bottom="0" includeIn="editor"/>

The class that is generated automatically is this:

As you can see also the class has this annotation 
I decided to remove all the states from the main UI to generate them 
I my DynamicStateHandler class that is generating the states automatically 
there is the coded inspired by the MXML compiler.

I am able to achieve almost anything except the part where the compiler adds 
the getter/setter for the Bindings from line 83 to 119.
Naturally when my state handler try to set the current state of the main UI to 
the default one :

I get this error:

Property editor not found on MultiversesMainUI and there is no default value.

Does anyone has an idea how to fix this? I've created a dynamic class which 
extends from Module and used that instead but it doesn't work neither.
Right now I have no clue how to bypass this constraint.

Best regards


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