I have been building for Android using Flash Builder 4.7 for several years
now with no problems.  I am currently using AIR 32.  I can build for iOS
with no problems whatsoever, but when I try to create a release build for
Android, I get some strange errors suddenly popping up.  I recently added a
new ANE to my app for One Signal Push Notifications, but it builds for iOS
with no issues, but won't build for Android, so I have no idea if this
problem is related to the ANE.  Here is the error that is spit out.  Please
let me know if it sparks any ideas at all.  Thanks!

aapt tool
error: Attribute "fontProviderFetchStrategy" already defined with
incompatible format. 
Original attribute defined here. 
error: Attribute "fontProviderFetchTimeout" already defined with
incompatible format. 
Original attribute defined here. 
error: Attribute "fontStyle" already defined with incompatible format. 
Original attribute defined here. 

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