Hi Alex,

sorry for the delay in getting back to this issue!

The length of project name does actually not affect the build - it can be 
longer or shorter than "*Tool" (I just tried out "*ToolToolTool" and it is 
building - it will only fail on "*Tool".
When the build fails on "ASADetailViewSlowDealerEventLayout.mxml" and I rename 
that file to e.g. "ASADetailViewSlowDealerEventLayout2.xml" (adding a "2" at 
the end) it will actually build, too.

Our project is now several commits ahead of when I wrote the last email and I 
just checked the build and it actually is building now under the name of 
The MXML file "ASADetailViewSlowDealerEventLayout.mxml" was never touched in 
this process, just for the records.
In order to find out what is going I now made a new debug branch from the very 
same older revision where the issue did occur and I was able to reproduce it 
with the same error.

However, when I add "keep-generated-actionscript="true"" to compc compiler 
options no build error occurs (I can find the code in the "generated" folder on 
the CI).
Removing "keep" and the error occurs again. No other changes!

In the errorenous ASADetailViewSlowDealerEventLayout.mxml there is the sub 
component "<parts1:ASADetailViewHeaderStatisticEventsDefault id="viewHeader" 
There are many other MXMLs which are like "ASADetailViewSlowDealerEventLayout" 
and all contain an MXML reference to 
"ASADetailViewHeaderStatisticEventsDefault" exactly like above (same code 
position in MXML etc).
Commenting out the "viewHeader" in ASADetailViewSlowDealerEventLayout makes 
compc throw none of the errors and it compiles fine.
Shifting the component to a different position in the MXML does nothing.
Replacing the component in the MXML 
("viewHeader"/ASADetailViewHeaderStatisticEventsDefault") with the class where 
it is subclassing from (ASADetailViewHeaderLayout) will result in a successful 
That being said, I do see a likely uncommon and not-to-recommend usage of 
subclassing as "ASADetailViewHeaderStatisticEventsDefault" is a pure 
ActionScript file which is extending from an MXML file (?).
I now emptied the MXML ASADetailViewHeaderStatisticEventsDefault so it just 
looks like this:

package components.asaEvents.detailview.parts
import components.asaEvents.detailview.parts.layout.ASADetailViewHeaderLayout;

public class ASADetailViewHeaderStatisticEventsDefault extends 


The build error still occurs though there is no code so I maybe it's something 
with AS extending MXML (?)..

Additionally for the records:
This is actually no show-stopping issue as there is at least one workaround 
like renaming the branch or changing a file name.
But I still would like to know, out of curiosity, why compc fails, though there 
is (at least "obviously") no real issue/error in the code itself and it 
compiles fine but not in this very one scenario.


Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best Regards
i.A. Jan Weber
Software Development



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-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Alex Harui <aha...@adobe.com.INVALID>
Gesendet: Sonntag, 19. November 2023 09:03
An: users@flex.apache.org
Cc: Fischer Michael <michael.fisc...@dallmeier.com>; Staudte Norbert 
Betreff: Re: compc Error on CI / Jenkins (folder-name-dependent/Cache?)

ACHTUNG: Diese Mail kommt von einem externen Absender. Bitte behandeln Sie alle 
Dateianhänge und Links mit besonderer Vorsicht. Im Zweifel wenden Sie sich 
bitte an die IT.

Hi Jan,

Finally found some time to look at the latest output.

It looks like the file that fails to compile is 
ASADetailViewSlowDealerEventLayout.mxml, but it sometimes complains about 
different classes.

It also looks like when you change the "project name" you have shortened it 
from "*Tool" to "*Too".  Did you try making the project name longer?

I'm wondering if the compiler is running out of memory and the difference in 
string lengths contributes to how fast memory is used up.

Otherwise, it is time to dig deeper on ASADetailViewSlowDealerEventLayout.mxml. 
 I just noticed that besides missing 'id', it also complains about "Error: 
Implicit coercion of a value of type 
to an unrelated type components.asaEvents.detailview.parts:ASADetailViewHeader."

Maybe we need to figure that out first.  Why is this error happening?

You can try commenting out parts of that file to see if some lines of code in 
that file are fatal.  I started wondering if there are circular dependencies 
(which are fine in certain situations) that are requiring the compiler to 
type-check something before it is finished generating code for it.

You can also try the -keep compiler option which should dump the generated code 
for the mxml files into a folder which might make it easier to see what the 
compiler is thinking.


On 11/8/23, 2:25 AM, "Weber Jan" <jan.we...@dallmeier.com.inva 
<mailto:jan.we...@dallmeier.com.inva>LID> wrote:

EXTERNAL: Use caution when clicking on links or opening attachments.

Hi Alex,

many thanks for your additional input on this!

I did check the suggestions you made with the following results:

There are no references to "SeMSy5-Translation-Tool"
-> Search "SeMSy5-Translation-Tool" (0 hits in 0 files of 8943 searched)

The module/folder where it is located is called "SeMSy-Next-Translation-Tool"
-> Search "SeMSy-Next-Translation-Tool" (44 hits in 10 files of 8943
-> searched)

So the only reference/occurrence of "SeMSy5-Translation-Tool" is the actual 
root folder which is setup in Jenkins (this is where Jenkins checks out to and 

Also, there are no other files called "ASADVHStatisticEventsDefault".

On the current not-working build (using directoy "SeMSy5-Translation-Tool", the 
error has actually moved from "ASADVHStatisticEventsDefault" to the MXML file 

[compc] D:\Program Files 
 Error: Access of possibly undefined property id through a reference with 
static type 
[compc] <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> [compc] [compc] D:\Program Files 
 Error: Access of possibly undefined property document through a reference with 
static type 
[compc] <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> [compc] [compc] D:\Program Files 
 Error: Implicit coercion of a value of type 
to an unrelated type components.asaEvents.detailview.parts:ASADetailViewHeader.

This class is subclassing "ASADetailViewSlowDealerEvent.as" and further down to 
" VGroup".
Both, the MXML and AS files, are inside the module "SeMSy-Next-Lib" which is 
not building due to the error.
There are no other files of any type called 
"ASADetailViewSlowDealerEventLayout" and there are no other SWCs which have a 
reference to that specific file or include that file.
There are also no other SWCs which have a linkage/export of something called 

In the following link I have added four files:

- Jenkins Console output of "SeMSy5-Translation-Tool" (Jenkins Console 
- Entire file listing of "SeMSy5-Translation-Tool" (Jenkins Listing of all 
Files of Semsy-5-Translation-Tool.txt)
- Entire diretory listing of "SeMSy5-Translation-Tool" (Jenkins Directory 
Listing of all Folders of Semsy-5-Translation-Tool.txt)
- Module Listing (Jenkins Directory Listing of Semsy-5-Translation-Tool.txt)
- build.xml for errorenous module "SeMSy-Next-Libs"
- Jenkinsfile (Jenkinsfile_TranslationTool)

URL: https://cloud.dallmeier.com/s/SerwF55rYF9M6ED 
Password: s4AHY36D

The modules which are successfully building are:

- SeMSy-Next-Libs-Public
- SeMSy-Next-Worker-MqttWorker
- SeMSy-Next-Workers
- SeMSy-Next-Assets
- SeMSy-Next-Components

Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best Regards
i.A. Jan Weber
Software Development



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Thomas Dallmeier
Amtsgericht Regensburg HRA 6827
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-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Alex Harui <aha...@adobe.com.inva <mailto:aha...@adobe.com.inva>LID>
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 2. November 2023 02:30
An: users@flex.apache.org <mailto:users@flex.apache.org>
Cc: Fischer Michael <michael.fisc...@dallmeier.com 
<mailto:michael.fisc...@dallmeier.com>>; Staudte Norbert 
<norbert.stau...@dallmeier.com <mailto:norbert.stau...@dallmeier.com>>
Betreff: Re: compc Error on CI / Jenkins (folder-name-dependent/Cache?)

Hi Jan,

It's been a long time since I dealt with this stuff every day. I have a vague 
recollection (which could be entirely wrong) that you can get this error from 
having two files with the same name and based on how the source and library 
paths are setup the files might conflict.

Is it possible there is a subfolder called "SeMSy5-Translation-Tool" in that 
workspace? Or a bitmap or non-UIComponent-based .as or .mxml file also called 
"ASADVHStatisticEventsDefault". Or a SWC that might have a component with that 
name? Not just in the source, but in any SWCs in the library path

If you want, you can list every file in the workspace and post that list. A SWC 
is just a zip file and I think there is a way to dump out every file in a SWC.

If the source path isn't set properly, I think it can cause the compiler to 
think of the workspace name as part of the package name. I think it can also 
affect finding and compiling dependencies so the compiler might reliably 
generate a class for a bitmap that conflicts with ASADVHStatisticEventsDefault 
which is why it would then say that class is missing some properties.


On 10/30/23, 7:44 AM, "Weber Jan" <jan.we...@dallmeier.com.inva 
<mailto:jan.we...@dallmeier.com.inva> <mailto:jan.we...@dallmeier.com.inva 
<mailto:jan.we...@dallmeier.com.inva>>LID> wrote:

EXTERNAL: Use caution when clicking on links or opening attachments.

Hi Alex,

the three errors you mentioned only occur in this one build, which fails all 
the time.
The stated properties "id" and "document" (inherited from UIComponent) exist. 
There is also no "Implicit coercion".
The errors look like false positives in a way..

The sources compile fine locally (rebuild all modules) and the CI manages to 
build the very same source code depending on the name of the root folder where 
it checks out to.
Also when I change the name of the class where the error gets reported.
I'm sure the folder name itself is not the reason but maybe some cache related 
to this is (?).

There is currently one root-folder "SeMSy5-Translation-Tool" where the same git 
revision does not get build with the three errors you mentioned.
If I rename the project (which results in the change of the name of the root 
output folder, too), the same git revision is build.
I did compare the folders of succeeding and failing builds with a diff and they 
are the same for every class, so it is not caused by different files/file 
versions or artifacts.

I did reduced the log files from the console output by a lot and uploaded three 
new logs.

Logs: https://cloud.dallmeier.com/s/nFa4WmPRaxRtAjW 
Password: 4ZWNi49C

- #1 log file "Log-Error (SeMSy5-Translation-Tool).txt" fails with the three 
errors (SeMSy5-Translation-Tool).
git-revision: 3e53c07e559cb4844a5f0397b3ae3167e1642c29 (Same revision, folder 
"SeMSy5-Translation-Tool" was delete beforehand).

[Worth mentioning here that also the @temp and @script folders (e.g. 
SeMSy5-Translation-Tool@script), which Jenkins uses for checkout, were entirely 

[compc] D:\Program Files 
 Error: Access of possibly undefined property id through a reference with 
static type components.asaEvents.detailview.parts:ASADVHStatisticEventsDefault.
[compc] <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> [compc] [compc] D:\Program Files 
 Error: Access of possibly undefined property document through a reference with 
static type components.asaEvents.detailview.parts:ASADVHStatisticEventsDefault.
[compc] <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> [compc] [compc] D:\Program Files 
 Error: Implicit coercion of a value of type 
components.asaEvents.detailview.parts:ASADVHStatisticEventsDefault to an 
unrelated type components.asaEvents.detailview.parts:ASADetailViewHeader.
[compc] <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

- #2 log file "Log-Success (SeMSy5-Translation-Too).txt" contains no errors and 
the project is build.
git-revision: 3e53c07e559cb4844a5f0397b3ae3167e1642c29 (Same revision, folder 
"SeMSy5-Translation-Too" was delete beforehand)

- #3 log file "Log-Success-after-Class-Name-Change 
Here the name of the project was changed back to previously not-building 
project name "SeMSy5-Translation-Tool" (see #1) and the class name of 
"ASADetailViewSlowDealerEventLayout" was changed to a different name 
This build was successful.

The same source code in the one scenario where I just change the project name 
is compiled successfully but fails in the other one and there is obviously no 
When changing the class name on the erroneous build everything is also build 

Side Note:
What I encountered when deleting the check-out/build folders on the Jenkins, in 
all directories (success/fail) a couple of files could not be deleted 
windows-wise because the path were too long (File paths exceeded 260 characters 
which is a default limit in Windows).
Windows Error states "Source Path Too Long - The source file name(s) are larger 
than is supported by the file system... ". I deleted the files then by renaming 
folders and reducing the length, so as mentioned above there were no artifacts 
left before the actual builds started.
I don't see a direct connection of this with the build either failing or 
succeeding because both scenarios contain file paths which are too long.

Again, thank you very much for your support - I'm not sure if this issue is 
resolvable at all but maybe you have some more ideas on this.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best Regards
i.A. Jan Weber
Software Development



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-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Alex Harui <aha...@adobe.com.inva <mailto:aha...@adobe.com.inva> 
<mailto:aha...@adobe.com.inva <mailto:aha...@adobe.com.inva>>LID>
Gesendet: Dienstag, 24. Oktober 2023 08:20
An: users@flex.apache.org <mailto:users@flex.apache.org> 
<mailto:users@flex.apache.org <mailto:users@flex.apache.org>>
Cc: Fischer Michael <michael.fisc...@dallmeier.com 
<mailto:michael.fisc...@dallmeier.com> <mailto:michael.fisc...@dallmeier.com 
<mailto:michael.fisc...@dallmeier.com>>>; Staudte Norbert 
<norbert.stau...@dallmeier.com <mailto:norbert.stau...@dallmeier.com> 
<mailto:norbert.stau...@dallmeier.com <mailto:norbert.stau...@dallmeier.com>>>
Betreff: Re: compc Error on CI / Jenkins (folder-name-dependent/Cache?)

Hi Jan,

I downloaded the output and displayed it in VSCode. VSCode says there are 4808 
lines of output.
It looks like compc is called several times, but the last call is on line 587. 
On line 1747 the first of 3 errors are reported. I think that should cause the 
build to fail.

One thing you could try is to capture the same output for the successful build 
and compare output. Find and replace folder names so they all match before 
comparing output.

Hope that helps,

On 10/23/23, 4:09 AM, "Weber Jan" <jan.we...@dallmeier.com.inva 
<mailto:jan.we...@dallmeier.com.inva> <mailto:jan.we...@dallmeier.com.inva 
<mailto:jan.we...@dallmeier.com.inva>> <mailto:jan.we...@dallmeier.com.inva 
<mailto:jan.we...@dallmeier.com.inva> <mailto:jan.we...@dallmeier.com.inva 
<mailto:jan.we...@dallmeier.com.inva>>>LID> wrote:

EXTERNAL: Use caution when clicking on links or opening attachments.

Hi Alex,

first of all, thank you very much for your support on this issue - really 

I'm pretty sure the build output is entirely written in the console log; 
normally we do see here the typical stack traces and actual compiler errors in 
the same way we would see them from/in the IDE.

I have uploaded the Jenkins output log to the cloud from the build process 
which fails so you can actually see what is getting logged:

Password: H76X436K

Hint: I removed a few non-public texts in the log and replaced them with "[*** 

Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best Regards
i.A. Jan Weber
Software Development



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Dallmeier electronic GmbH & Co.KG

Registry Court:
Unlimited Partner:
Registry Court:

Thomas Dallmeier
Amtsgericht Regensburg HRA 6827
Dallmeier GmbH
Amtsgericht Regensburg HRB 9085

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Alex Harui <aha...@adobe.com.inva <mailto:aha...@adobe.com.inva> 
<mailto:aha...@adobe.com.inva <mailto:aha...@adobe.com.inva>> 
<mailto:aha...@adobe.com.inva <mailto:aha...@adobe.com.inva> 
<mailto:aha...@adobe.com.inva <mailto:aha...@adobe.com.inva>>>LID>
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 19. Oktober 2023 19:14
An: users@flex.apache.org <mailto:users@flex.apache.org> 
<mailto:users@flex.apache.org <mailto:users@flex.apache.org>> 
<mailto:users@flex.apache.org <mailto:users@flex.apache.org> 
<mailto:users@flex.apache.org <mailto:users@flex.apache.org>>>
Cc: Fischer Michael <michael.fisc...@dallmeier.com 
<mailto:michael.fisc...@dallmeier.com> <mailto:michael.fisc...@dallmeier.com 
<mailto:michael.fisc...@dallmeier.com>> <mailto:michael.fisc...@dallmeier.com 
<mailto:michael.fisc...@dallmeier.com> <mailto:michael.fisc...@dallmeier.com 
<mailto:michael.fisc...@dallmeier.com>>>>; Staudte Norbert 
<norbert.stau...@dallmeier.com <mailto:norbert.stau...@dallmeier.com> 
<mailto:norbert.stau...@dallmeier.com <mailto:norbert.stau...@dallmeier.com>> 
<mailto:norbert.stau...@dallmeier.com <mailto:norbert.stau...@dallmeier.com> 
<mailto:norbert.stau...@dallmeier.com <mailto:norbert.stau...@dallmeier.com>>>>
Betreff: Re: compc Error on CI / Jenkins (folder-name-dependent/Cache?)

The compiler source is part of the Flex SDK, so if you can build from sources 
you can modify the compiler to generate more info.

I took a look at the exit code logic. It looks like it is returning number of 
errors, but it should report those errors to System.err. Could that output 
stream be missing from the captured output?


On 10/19/23, 1:12 AM, "Weber Jan" <jan.we...@dallmeier.com.inva 
<mailto:jan.we...@dallmeier.com.inva> <mailto:jan.we...@dallmeier.com.inva 
<mailto:jan.we...@dallmeier.com.inva>> <mailto:jan.we...@dallmeier.com.inva 
<mailto:jan.we...@dallmeier.com.inva> <mailto:jan.we...@dallmeier.com.inva 
<mailto:jan.we...@dallmeier.com.inva>>> <mailto:jan.we...@dallmeier.com.inva 
<mailto:jan.we...@dallmeier.com.inva> <mailto:jan.we...@dallmeier.com.inva 
<mailto:jan.we...@dallmeier.com.inva>> <mailto:jan.we...@dallmeier.com.inva 
<mailto:jan.we...@dallmeier.com.inva> <mailto:jan.we...@dallmeier.com.inva 
<mailto:jan.we...@dallmeier.com.inva>>>>LID> wrote:

EXTERNAL: Use caution when clicking on links or opening attachments.

On the CI there is one job with several pipeline steps - if this job is 
targeting the folder with the ending "Tool" instead of "Tool2" it always fails 
without giving a specific error.
The source code and git revision is the very same; job is set to do a 
clean/full checkout, too.

I deleted the entire folder for "Tool" so it gets recreated but it still fails 
to build. I did compare the entire contents of both folders with a diff ("Tool" 
and "Tool2") and both are exactly the same.
The job/pipeline uses both, compc and mxmlc, to first build some libraries 
using compc and then build the main executable using mxmlc.

When the name is "Tool":
1) one specific module cannot be built with compc so the step for creating the 
main executable using mxmlc is never reached
2) pipeline steps before this one failing module do actually get build 
successfully with compc

When the output folder is renamed to something else like "Tool2" everything is 
built successfully.
The only error we can see in the logs when the one module is failing to be 
built is "ERROR: script returned exit code 1".

The screenshot from "https://cloud.dallmeier.com/s/9Hdk6KaF4HxGQNB"; 
<https://cloud.dallmeier.com/s/9Hdk6KaF4HxGQNB;> (password "FWxH9jb7") shows 
the job with its pipeline steps where the first build on the screenshot #7 is 
outputting to the folder ending with "Tool2" (successful build), the second 
build #8 is using the folder with the ending "Tool" (which fails, see "No 
changes" label indicating nothing has changed commit/repository-wise); build #9 
then having changed the name of the output folder back to ending "Tool2" builds 
successfully again.

For the upcoming build #10, I now delete the entire folder ending with "Tool" 
from workspace on the CI, change the project to output to folder "Tool" (which 
currently is "Tool2" from build #9) by renaming the project on Jenkins ("Rename 
Pipeline SeMSy5-Translation-Tool2" to "SeMSy5-Translation-Tool") and then it 
fails again to build.

I was wondering if it would be possible to get a some kind of debug-version of 
compc which outputs additional information on the actual error and why it 
cannot build?

Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best Regards
i.A. Jan Weber
Software Development



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Dallmeier electronic GmbH & Co.KG

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Thomas Dallmeier
Amtsgericht Regensburg HRA 6827
Dallmeier GmbH
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-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Alex Harui <aha...@adobe.com.inva <mailto:aha...@adobe.com.inva> 
<mailto:aha...@adobe.com.inva <mailto:aha...@adobe.com.inva>> 
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<mailto:aha...@adobe.com.inva <mailto:aha...@adobe.com.inva>>>>LID>
Gesendet: Montag, 9. Oktober 2023 18:28
An: users@flex.apache.org <mailto:users@flex.apache.org> 
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<mailto:users@flex.apache.org <mailto:users@flex.apache.org>>>>
Betreff: Re: compc Error on CI / Jenkins (folder-name-dependent/Cache?)

Is there a valid job/workspace/pipeline that uses the folder ending in "Tool" 
instead of "Tool2"? Otherwise, try deleting that workspace and see if it gets 
re-created again and which job did it.

Are there other jobs or pipelines that run compc or mxmlc?


On 10/9/23, 12:32 AM, "Weber Jan" <jan.we...@dallmeier.com.inva 
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<mailto:jan.we...@dallmeier.com.inva> <mailto:jan.we...@dallmeier.com.inva 
<mailto:jan.we...@dallmeier.com.inva>>>>>LID> wrote:

EXTERNAL: Use caution when clicking on links or opening attachments.

I’m reaching out to you regarding a rather strange behavior of compc on the 
CI/Jenkins, when it tries to build a specific swc module within a pipeline 
An error occurs, where it looks like this is actually depending on the name of 
the root folder where the modules are located at.

The pipeline builds several modules successfully with compc but one of the 
modules always fails to build.
If the folder where the sources are located and where compc is outputting to is 
renamed, the module is actually build.
Same sources (/git revision, clean/new checkout).

I uploaded two images for better imagination of what is going on here:

Jenkins Pipeline:
URL: https://cloud.dallmeier.com/s/9Hdk6KaF4HxGQNB 
Password: FWxH9jb7

Jenkins Workspace with the different folder names:
URL: https://cloud.dallmeier.com/s/pj7qZCsiEebnwMT 
Password: MsGrttg5

When the specific module is not building, the following error is outputted - 
please note the difference in the folder names, which is 
"SeMSy5-Translation-Tool" (building fails) and "SeMSy5-Translation-Tool2" 
(building successfully).

Running in D:\Program Files 
D:\Program Files 
Files (x86)\Ant-1.10.12\bin\ant" main
Buildfile: D:\Program Files 
[compc] Loading configuration file 

D:\Program Files 
compc task failed.
ERROR: script returned exit code 1

When it is building, the following output:

Running in D:\Program Files 
D:\Program Files 
Files (x86)\Ant-1.10.12\bin\ant" main
Buildfile: D:\Program Files 
[compc] Loading configuration file 

[compc] D:\Program Files 
 (15942226 bytes)


The issue is very strange and hard to understand.
Could anyone imagine anything that may cause this? Is something cached 
somewhere where I could clear the cache?

Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best Regards
i.A. Jan Weber
Software Development



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Dallmeier electronic GmbH & Co.KG

Registry Court:
Unlimited Partner:
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Thomas Dallmeier
Amtsgericht Regensburg HRA 6827
Dallmeier GmbH
Amtsgericht Regensburg HRB 9085

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