On Mon, 4 Apr 2011, Dag Wieers wrote:

But the problem is that, contrary to user fields, date fields cannot be referenced in Basic (likely because they do not have a name). Or at least I cannot find it anywhere.

With some help from the OpenOffice forums I solved this by not using fixed date fields, but rather using user fields (variables) with a Date format.

The downside is that editing them is editing the number of days since Epoch (although it does accept a 2011.04.04 string).

To use the below code as macro in your documents, simply create three user fields named InvoiceNumber (string), InvoiceDate (Date formatted) and DueDate (Date formatted), and use a filename that matches invoice-2001/03/011-customer.odt (year/month/number) or simply modify the code to do what you like ;-)

And then link the below event-handlers to their respective event from Tools > Customize > Events.

REM For testing purposes
Sub Main
End Sub

REM Event handler when opening a document
Sub _Open
End Sub

REM Event handler when a document is being saved
Sub _Save
End Sub

REM Event handler when a document is modified
Sub _Modified
End Sub

REM Update a user field (DueDate) with the invoice date + 30 days
Sub updateDueDate
    DueDate = getDueDate()
    DueDateField = thisComponent.getTextFieldMasters().getByName( 
"com.sun.star.text.fieldmaster.User.DueDate" )
    If (DueDateField.Value <> DueDate) Then
        DueDateField.Value = DueDate
End Sub

REM Retrieve the user field (InvoiceDate) from the document and make DueDate = InvoiceDate + 30
Function getDueDate
    If (Not GlobalScope.BasicLibraries.isLibraryLoaded("Tools")) Then
    End If
    InvoiceDateField = thisComponent.getTextFieldMasters().getByName( 
"com.sun.star.text.fieldmaster.User.InvoiceDate" )
    getDueDate = InvoiceDateField.Value + 30
End Function

REM Update a user field (InvoiceNumber) with a slice of the document name
Sub updateInvoiceNumber
    InvoiceNumber = getInvoiceNumber()
    InvoiceNumberField = thisComponent.getTextFieldMasters().getByName( 
"com.sun.star.text.fieldmaster.User.InvoiceNumber" )
    If (InvoiceNumberField.Content <> InvoiceNumber) Then
        InvoiceNumberField.Content = InvoiceNumber
    End If
End Sub

REM Extract the invoice number from the document name (slice 9-20)
Function getInvoiceNumber
    If (Not GlobalScope.BasicLibraries.isLibraryLoaded("Tools")) Then
    End If
    getInvoiceNumber = FileNameoutofPath(thisComponent.getURL(), "/")
    getInvoiceNumber = Mid(getInvoiceNumber, 9, 11)
    getInvoiceNumber = ReplaceStr(getInvoiceNumber, "-", "/")
End Function

REM Return a string with str1 replaced with str2
Function ReplaceStr(myString As String, str1 As String, str2 As String)
    ReplaceStr = join(split(myString, str1), str2)
End Function

Hope this is useful to you.
-- dag wieers, d...@wieers.com, http://dag.wieers.com/
-- dagit linux solutions, i...@dagit.net, http://dagit.net/

[Any errors in spelling, tact or fact are transmission errors]

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