On Wed, Apr 20, 2011 at 3:27 AM, Regina Henschel
<rb.hensc...@t-online.de> wrote:
> Hi todd,
> todd rme schrieb:
>> Is there a way to tell libreoffice where the caption text ends?  For
>> example, say I have a caption like such:
>> Figure 1: This is my figure.
>> After making the caption, I add this:
>> Figure 1: The is my figure. A: part 1. B: Part 2
>> I only want the part I made first to be considered the caption, but
>> any text I add after that is automatically included in the caption as
>> well.  So when I try to make a list of figures using the built-in
>> indexes and tables tool, the captions are all 2 or 3 lines instead of
>> 2 or 3 words.  Is there a way to tell it to only count a certain
>> portion as the caption?
> You have to set the additional text into a new line in the caption.
> Kind regards
> Regina

Is there any other way?  It looks awful like that, especially when one
word of the caption is on the next line.  Then I end up with a line
with only one word in it.

Is there some sort of separator that doesn't actually cause a line
break but is interpreted as a line break for formatting?  Sort of like
the opposite of ctrl+shift+enter?


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