Frieder <> writes:

> Am 25.06.2011 15:07, schrieb lee:
>> Frieder<>  writes:
>>> Am 25.06.2011 00:53, schrieb lee:
>>> The Problem is how to use the Uno API no mater programming language
>>> you prefer.
>> True --- is there a good documentation about it?
> Yes there is:
> and specially the export to pdf:

Ah, thanks :)

>>>> Unfortunately, LO crashes when I try to send the message:
>>> Have you tried it with a stable  Version????
>> No, I only tried the version that is in Debian testing. Libreoffice is
>> not in Debian stable. LO 3.3.3 is in unstable. I could try to install
>> it, only it probably has so many dependencies that it isn't advisable.
> maybe you should try another  distribution like Suse, Fedora or Ubuntu
> (but don't try the Unity desktop its terrible.

No way, I'm not going to dump my perfectly working system just to be
able to run a more recent version of some software. I could probably
download the latest sources and compile them myself, but I don't feel
inclined to go to much effort to get a broken word processing software
to work. I'd probably only find either the same bugs or new ones.

> The problem with Debian is, that the stable version is to old, and the
> testing and unstable is to unstable.

That's not true. Stable can be old, and as long as it does what you need
it to, it isn't too old. Testing isn't unstable at all. I haven't tried
unstable or experimental except for a few packages every now and then I
needed a more recent version of.

>> Anyway, they shouldn't use java for LO.
> but there is still a lot of Java code in LO. They are working hard to
> translate it into C++ code, but it will take a while.

It's good to hear that they are working on removing it :)

>> It doesn't really matter what the problem is, it's just not working, and
>> one bug after another turns up. After having learned a little about LO,
>> it seems to be still in a beta stage, and I need something that does
>> work. It's sad that there has been only very little progress in the
>> reliability of WYSIWYG word processors over the last 15--20 years.
> The LO code contains about 6000000 lines of code. it is not easy to
> think of all the functions, if you ad some new code.
>  So some bugs are unavoidable.

It comes down to that beyond a certain point, the effort that needs to
be put into making it easier to achieve a particular result exceeds the
effort that must be put into achieving the particular result. In this
case, unfortunately I've reached that point.

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