On 07/28/2011 01:23 PM, planas wrote:
Please file a bug, I do not what the issue is. I have never seen any behavior like this myself.

If you could give more details may be (very may be) someone monitoring the list may know what is happening.

Here's more detail. I did quite a bit of experimentation on this so please bear with me. I developed the spreadsheet on a large laptop with a very high res display. When I run the spreadsheet on a low res netbook (1024x600) at 100% scaling factor everything starts out fine, but as the spreadsheet is used, the buttons I have on the 21 sheets start getting smaller and smaller vertically (Height) until some are so small you can't hit them. Width stays as originally intended. I have no code that attempts to manipulate the buttons. I created the buttons (3 of them) on one sheet and then copied them to the other 20 sheets on my development laptop. Even stranger is the fact that as these buttons are arranged one above the other vertically, within 1 large merged cell, its always the bottom button that shrinks to near invisibility. The middle button also shrinks but not as much, and the top button shrinks even less. Once the bottom button gets to its minimum size, (.02cm) shrinking seems to cease. If the spreadsheet is saved and reopened, the buttons are still shrunken. Something is rewriting the height of the buttons and a save keeps the shrunken height. The spreadsheet becomes unusable until I blow the buttons away and recreate them as that's easier than fixing them individually. After 12 hours of continuous use, with periodic saves, the bottom button on every one of the 21 sheets is invisible on a netbook. If I use the original undamaged spreadsheet on my laptop or a higher res desktop, this does not occur. This happens across 21 sheets and many of those sheets never get used as its slow season here and we only use about 5 sheets a day that represent the dining room tables for restaurant guests. I suspect its because I copied the 3 buttons from one sheet to the other 20 that they are somehow tied together and whatever is shrinking one shrinks them all. Having said that, a contra indication is that not all buttons shrink to the same size. There appears to be some randomness to the process that gets one button down to .02cm and the same button on another sheet down to only .06cm. Some other anomalies. In the same .ods file, I have a sheet that provides a composite view of the other 21 sheets to a limited extent. I have 21 buttons on that sheet arranged vertically that when hit bring up that particular sheet (dining room tables order). The last 7 buttons, shrink in height so that the bottom button is the smallest (but not completely invisible) and each above it is just a bit greater in height until we hit the 8th button from the bottom which is full height. These last 7 buttons represent dining room tables we're not using. We never hit those sheets and yet something is shrinking the last 7 buttons on my overview sheet. The difference in height between button 21 to button 20, between button 20 and button 19, ... towards the full size button is a constant. Its as though some loop is subtracting a constant height from the bottom 7 buttons. On my development machine, the above does not occur. It has something to do with the low res on the netbook. However, even on my mighty development laptop, if I delete any one of the 21 sheets, I loose every button on every remaining sheet. They all disappear. If I move a sheet from one position to another position, everything is OK till I save and reacquire the spreadsheet. At that point the entire spreadsheet is trashed as it won't open with some bogus internal password error. The unbroken spreadsheet is 254KB. I can upload it and provide the passwords used in it via a private email as I don't want the whole world knowing my business. Its occurred on Fedora 14 as Open Office & 15 as Libre Office. We don't use Windows at all.

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