On 9/13/2011 5:16 AM, e-letter wrote:
On 12/09/2011, Paul D. Mirowsky<p_mirow...@bentaxna.com>  wrote:
I would far rather see "Writer" with a presentation mode than the way
things are now.

Could you explain how this would work in practice please? The next
stage is to make a feature request and as such it would be prudent to
discuss within this mailing list before making the feature request via
the formal procedure (which I haven't read yet to be honest).
The basis of any document (object) is its end function.
To that end, when creating a document to print, it follows its nature in 'Writer'. It is the tools overlap that is important.

Tools like menu items and icons are specific to writing a print document.
Assumptions like page position, size and direction are defaulted to center, A4 and portrait. This is all stored and read in this way, basically because you clicked on one icon or menu item over another, initiating the preset design.

If you clicked on another icon to create a document, say "Presentation", the defaults change, text sizes increase. Definitions of objects start to have layers. Tables are increased in size and borders become heavy. It is the default inherent. So far, these are overlapping functions with differing defaults as the document is opened.

The main differences are in "page" and "object over time" handling. When is a "slide" different than a "page"? When its dimensions are changed and gives reference to the word "slide". But a slide is not a slide anymore. Slides used to be like print documents, static. We now have movement in time. Presentations are now objects with time functions. Do I need a table that updates automatically from a Calc sheet that spins into center when I hit next page in a presentation? Maybe.

The things missing from 'Writer' that remove it from being a 'presentation' manager are additional functions and views and not much else. I know this mean one huge program, but it does reduce redundancy. Not having to know two ways of handling a table is removed.

Unified table handling, flow of text from "Writer" with the fancy page
changes as an add-on to page handling.

I'm not sure about consistent table and text flow behaviour because
the default page size for writer is a4 portrait, whilst in impress the
slide orientation is landscape.

In "Document" mode, everything is as is in "Writer", in "Presentation"
mode Impress takes over, but not to the point of the better handling of
Writers ability.

Personally, this would be confusing the boundary between writer and
impress modules, although perhaps a more fundamental question is
whether these modules should exist.
If font size is universal, it is learn once, use forever.
  It could be argued that writer and
impress exist merely to imitate m$o's concept of creating presentation
   From what you are stating, impress as a module should
disappear and a new paradigm be developed of using writer to create
presentation content. So a scenario would be to open writer module in
a default 'document' mode.
A different icon and defaults setting allow the mind to settle in to its work. Its just making the decision
a littler earlier on than getting the program open and changing modes.

 Perhaps from the menu bar 'view', there
would be an option to select 'presentation' mode (below where 'web
layout' now resides?), which would automatically change the view to
landscape. To view the presentation, a new dialogue window could
appear (perhaps with a window bar title 'impress presentation viewer),
which the user could maximise to full screen mode to show the

I think you've got it.

One minor disadvantage, from a marketing point of view, is that m$
users would complain: "where's the equivalent to powerpoint?".
Not if you give them a button to push that says "Impress; a Powerpoint equivalent". Gobe Software created an unified office package for BeOS called GOBE Productive. I used it and I liked it. Tables did real math, but looked nice. In fact, ahead of its time, but if people aren't ready to eat healthy, they will continue to eat junk. This is at a time when MS ruled the world by file format. Much love to LibreOffice.

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