On 08/10/2011, AG <computing.acco...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Hey list
> I really, really enjoy using LibO and recommend it widely as a viable
> alternative to MS Office.  So, thank you developers!

I hope you are recommending the native odf format and the positive
long-term reasons, but that is a digression...

> In LibO however, this function doesn't appear to exist and I find that I
> have to wade through some confusing documentation with terms that I'm
> not at all familiar with to achieve the same result.  I'm obviously very
> bad at doing so correctly however, because the effect I achieve is
> variable, and inevitably ends up with the rest of the text hanging off
> at indentations that I don't want.

As has been stated, this functionality is all about the use of styles.
Read the documentation, then use the key 'f11' to activate, creating
new styles as required. Like learning a new language, learn to think
of terms as described by LO, e.g. data pilot, not pivot table.

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