At 18:09 13/11/2011 -0500, Pae Choi wrote:
Whether the fonts are referenced or embedded, wouldn't it be more the renderer's responsibility to display regardless the font is installed on the system level or not. It is reasonable to use the alternative font if the renderer could not find the font from neither system level nor document.

I'm guessing here, but the PDF document may contain only a subset of the relevant font. If you are opening a PDF document in a product such as LibreOffice (perhaps an unwise course at the best of times), you presumably intend to edit the contents. You may choose to insert characters which are not in the embedded subset. What is the editor then to do: mix individual characters from a substituted font with the original? Perhaps the chosen strategy to avoid the problem is to render the document in fonts that are going to be available to the editing process - that exist on the platform, that is.

Brian Barker

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