On 01/18/2012 03:08 PM, Andreas Säger wrote:
Am 18.01.2012 18:13, Andreas Säger wrote:

Connect a registered Base document to the spreadsheet. A connection to
an indexed dBase copy might be more performant.
Create a parameter query: SELECT * FROM "Table" WHERE "Column"= :p

Use the parameter query for testing if you get the wanted records for a given number :p. Store the following Basic code somewhere in the global library container (aka "My Macros"). Modify the 6 constants on top of the code. Registered name of the database, table name, column name, first ID to substitute, last ID to substitute and the target path. The code works without further modifications but with any type of database such as address books, csv, spreadsheets, dBase, MySQL, HSQLDB, MS Access, MS servers, Oracle servers, anything connectable with a Base document.

Sub Import2xls
Const cDataSource = "Chargen"
Const cTableName = "MAT"
Const cColumnName ="ID"
Const cStartID = 405
Const cEndID = 407
Const cPath = "/tmp/"

Dim addr as new com.sun.star.table.CellRangeAddress
sQuery = "SELECT * FROM """& cTableName &"""WHERE """& cColumnName &"""="
' print squery
Dim xlsprop as new com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
xlsprop.Name = "FilterName"
xlsprop.Value = "MS Excel 97"

for i = cStartID to cEndID
doc = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL("private:factory/scalc","_blank", 0, Array() )
    dbx = doc.DatabaseRanges
    dbx.addNewByName("Import2xls", addr)
    dbr = dbx.getByName("Import2xls")
    dsc() = dbr.getImportDescriptor()
    for each prop in dsc()
if prop.Name = "SourceType" then prop.Value = com.sun.star.sheet.DataImportMode.SQL
        if prop.Name = "SourceObject" then prop.Value = sQuery & i
        if prop.Name = "DatabaseName" then prop.Value = cDataSource
doc.storeAsURL(convertToURL(cPath & format(i, String(len(cEndID),"0")) &".xls"), Array(xlsprop))
End Sub

Nice. Thank you for the tip. I shall remember it for next round.
Keep the good work.

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