Le 29/01/2012 01:24, Joep L. Blom a écrit :


OS Xubuntu 10.04; LO 3.4.5 directly installed from the LO website as
Ubuntu 10.04 still has 3.3.2.

Known issue with the 3.4.x series, especially on Ubuntu.

Hopefully somebody has succeeded in accessing the Thunderbird address
book or is this solved in 3.5?

Well it is supposed to be fixed in the future 3.5, at least in RC2 the addressbook wizard works again, on all platforms as far as I can tell, BUT, the mozab (mozilla address book support) doesn't seem to be able to be built on Ubuntu at the moment, which means that unless the Ubuntu people sort it out, the distrib versions still won't work with the TB addressbook.


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