On 01/29/2012 02:18 PM, webmaster for Kracked Press Productions wrote:
> The way I read it, Cinnamon was the default for Mint 12.  I could be
> wrong though.
Cinnamon will be the default for Mint 13, it is available for 12. The
default for 12 is Clem's modified Gnome 3
> Right now, from what I have seen in the screen clips for Mint 12, I do
> not see any panels or other way to bring up the menu system so you can
> run/install packages.  The only thing that is shown is the Home folder
> icon and the Computer/Terminal looking icon.
> On 01/29/2012 02:05 PM, Jay Lozier wrote:
>> On 01/29/2012 12:35 PM, webmaster for Kracked Press Productions wrote:
>>> Anyone out there have used Linux Mint 12 with LO?
>> Yes with Gnome 3, Clem added some features to Gnome 3 so that the DE has
>> features from 2.X in addition to the normal Gnome 3 for Linux Mint 12.
>> I believe Cinnamon and Mate are alternate DE's. Cinnamon, I believe, is
>> new DE while Mate is a fork/continuation of Gnome 2. Cinnamon 1.2 is
>> considered stable and has been released.
>> I have briefly looked at Cinnamon and as I remember I had no problems
>> with LO or any other packages I had tried.
>>> This is actually a developer's question, but needs to be asked of the
>>> Users as well.
>>> Does anyone know if LO works with the Cinnamon, which is a "shell" [I
>>> think that is the correct term] that is placed over GNOME 3.x so it
>>> looks and works like GNOME2.x?  I remember that there was some issues
>>> with LO working with GNOME 3.x desktop environment's way of displaying
>>> "windows".  Since the 2.x project is closed and people were going to
>>> other distros and desktops due to their dislike of GNOME 3.x, Linux
>>> Mint  decided to develop a way for people to have their GNOME 2.x
>>> style of desktop on 3.x.  It seemed that people were going to Mint
>>> since they still supported 2.x, but when they could no longer get it
>>> from their source [Mint is a fork of Ubuntu, with another Mint a fork
>>> of Debian] they had to provide a GNOME 2.x style of desktop shell to
>>> keep their users happy.
>>> Cinnamon is not stable, according to the web site.  It is on Linux
>>> Mint 12, and either in the repository, a Git repository, or in a PPA
>>> for; Ubuntu 11.10, Fedora 16, OpenSUSE 12.1, Arch Linux, and Gentoo.
>>> I have not tried it, since I am still using Ubuntu 10.04.  I did not
>>> like Ubuntu's switch to GNOME3 and could not use it with my needs.  So
>>> I was stuck with 10.xx.  If LO will support that desktop shell
>>> combination, I will now be able to look into having a more up-to-date
>>> OS, other than what Ubuntu places in its 10.04 repository updates.  At
>>> least 10.04 now shows LO 3.4.4-402 as the latest version in the
>>> repository, which I installed from LO's web site when it came out.
>>> http://cinnamon.linuxmint.com/?page_id=61
>>> With Win 8 going to the Tablet-style of desktop environment, like
>>> GNOME 3 seems to be as well, there is talk about many users will
>>> either have to back-port it to Win 7 or go to Linux.  If Linux is
>>> chosen, then they have to use something other than the standard GNOME
>>> 3 desktop.
>>> For myself, I use a combination of GNOME2.x and KDE since there are
>>> packages in KDE that are better than GNOME 2.x's version and some of
>>> GNOME 2.x works better than KDE for me for the actual desktop. Many of
>>> the  KDE system monitoring and modification packages are easier for me
>>> to use over GNOME 2.x versions.  So I have a "interesting" setup.
>>> Now, if I can get a replacement drive for my test system, I will try
>>> Mint 12 with Cinnamon, but it may take time to get that really old
>>> system [bios will not work with any Windows newer than Win ME, not
>>> even Win2000] a replacement drive.  So it will be awhile before I can
>>> test Cinnamon with LO, and I would like to know if it does work well
>>> with LO.

Jay Lozier

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