Hey Andreas,Please treat this question as a headless question from a headless
    one.I'm on RHEL 5, so cannot used Windows-based solutions. LO being
    multi-megabyte is not an issue as long as it works.I forgot: Did you play 
with the command line options of
    LibreOffice?Yes, I have been playing and reading and reading and playing 
for the
    last several hours. Have tried looking at the code of unoconv also
    but not much luck so far. I admit I'm not a good code-reader and I'm
    reading in a very rushed-mode also.I, for example, tried the following to 
start the LO as listener:$ soffice.bin --headless
      --accept='socket,host=0,port=8100,tcpNoDelay=1;urp;'[2] 13628$ netstat 
-tnap | grep sofficetcp        0      0            *                   LISTEN      13628/soffice.bin  So, clearly 
soffice is listening now.To connect, I'm issuing the following but don't really 
know if this
    what is needed to be done. Which is why I posted the question in the
    first place. Read this link also in the meantime 
    , but I'm still missing something.$ soffice.bin --headless
      --convert-to txt foo.doc; echo $?1$ ls foo.txtls: delme.txt: No such file 
or directory$I need a tool that converts not just .doc files but all MS Office
    files (.xls, .ppt, .docx, .xlsx, .pptx). I thought LO would be great
    to use these since I'm already satisfied by how it loads up these
    files in interactive/GUI mode.Would greatly appreciate if someone could 
point out what exactly I'm
    missing, my needle is stuck and not moving forward. :-(Regards,A headless 
listener :-)On 02/29/2012 12:26 PM, Andreas Säger wrote:Am
      29.02.2012 07:52, Andreas Säger wrote:322 results for "headless" on the 
 of tools have been written for 
 shows dozends of other doc2txt tools that do not depend
        on amulti-megabyte office suite.WinWord and VBA might be the very best 
tool to convert their ownproprietary file format to plain text.I forgot: Did 
you play with the command line options of
      LibreOffice?See soffice[.exe] -help
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