Thanks for your hint, Maurice.
What you suggest is exactly what I have been doing. Except - I don't want to
have to do it EVERY TIME I print something (which is quite often!). I would
like a way to set the default to PostScript...
Regards from Salzburg
H. S.
On Wed, 07 Mar 2012 17:14:50 +0100, Maurice Batey <> wrote:

On Tue, 06 Mar 2012 22:26:31 +0100, Heinrich Stoellinger wrote:

Is there a way to change the default?

I had a similar prblem with .xls files on LO 3.4.5, and someone gave
the following sequence (which worked) to achieve the change:

  "Open spadmin* (printer administration) & select the printer
    'Properties|Device|Printer Language type: PostScript Level 2. Close
    spadmin & open LO (3.3.x or 3.4.x) and you should be ok for that
    printer. You can check by closing & reopening LO & 'File|Printer
    - In LibreOffice 3.3.4 you should see 'from device driver'.
    - In LibreOffice 3.5.0rc2 you should see 'PostScript Level 2'."

       * /opt/libreoffice3.4/program/spadmin   (in my case)

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