On 04/17/2012 09:26 AM, Simon Cropper wrote:
On 17/04/12 23:16, Tom Davies wrote:
Hi :)
To quote Battlestar Galactica "All this has happened before and will happen again".

Other companies have also tried opening OpenSource departments or sections that work on allegedly OpenSource projects with varying success. Quality of the licenses is checked by various people and organisations. "The Linux Foundation" and the "Free Software Foundation" are good. If the licenses allow people to check the code then the code gets checked too. If the licenses don't allow people to explore the code then it's not OpenSource anyway. MS's kernel contributions apparently got cleaned up by non-MS people because MS wouldn't clean up the code themsleves. NVidia's hybrid, partly OpenSource drivers led to big improvements in the properly OpenSource drivers and now NVidia cards seem to be better than Ati in Gnu&Linux even tho many of us would prefer to get Ati cards.

Most of us do have to continue to support MS formats but that doesn't mean we have to use them exclusively.

Have you ever worked in an office and found a bunch of people all smoke together or chip off down the pub together and become an unofficial clique that work together better and support each other more than the rest of the office? That sort of thing is beginning to happen with ODF users.

Regards from
Tom :)

--- On Tue, 17/4/12, webmaster-Kracked_P_P<webmas...@krackedpress.com> wrote:

From: webmaster-Kracked_P_P<webmas...@krackedpress.com>
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] beware of the m$ subsidiary
To: users@global.libreoffice.org
Date: Tuesday, 17 April, 2012, 13:01

Well, it is always good to promote ODF, but if you work in a business environment, you cannot get away from MSO's file formats. I create the documents in LO and save my copy in ODF, but I still have to send editable files to some people who's business or agency has not or cannot switch to LO. So for these people/businesses/agencies, I need to send them MSO file formatted documents.

Promote LO and ODF, but you still have to deal with those who have not switched over to LO and/or ODF. Most government agencies [USA] at all levels are not "allowed" to use any other office package but MSO AND are forbidden to install software on their computers, including screen-savers and such. I know of one that will not allow the use of USB devices as well. So, until everyone switches to ODF, we must continue to save some of our documents to MSO formates and send them off to others.

On 04/17/2012 07:50 AM, e-letter wrote:

M$ is allegedly seeking to invest in "interoperability" and open
source: http://www.infoworld.com/d/open-source-software/microsoft-forms-subsidiary-engage-open-source-communities-190790.

Perhaps more for 'Groklaw', but isn't this a potential trojan horse to
pollute GPLv3? We will see true "interoperability" only when odf and
openformula become the defaults within m$o. Until then, please avoid
creation of m$ formats using LO and continue to promote odf.

Which pub? ;)

It is a "British" type of thing to say, but it works. But that is how the people got together to "talk treason" to get the 13 colonies out from under the British "overlords" and become the USA. That was the first real "social network" that I know of that changed history of my country.

Actually it is still done in the UK [as far as I heard] and is being done in one form or another in the USA. That is offline social networking, not online.

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