My response was partially to the statement quoted by Miguel Angel
Fixed column width:
Exports all data fields with a fixed width.
/The width of a data field in the exported text file is set to the current width of the corresponding column. /
Values are exported in the format as currently seen in the cell.
If a value is longer than the fixed column width, it will be exported as a ### string. If a text string is longer than the fixed column width, it will be truncated at the end. The alignment Left, Centered, and Right will be simulated by inserted blanks.
The test disproved that "/The width of a data field in the exported text file is set to the current width of the corresponding column. " as it did add 2 spaces /after each column. Whether this is added after or before except 1st column, or a combination is a programmatically unknown to me.

In essence, by doing what I did, there should be no spacing around any edge of the text as an offset of the column width and since the text is always supposed to be fixed, it cannot be misconstrued as variable of column width. 10 cpi is 10 cpi.

If you run the same test with numbers, am curious as to answer.
Would advise 1st test as number without decimal or comma or any special character and of equal length. Would not want multiple behavior to interfere at first. If it also creates 2 additional spaces, it is very important information.

Hope this helps

On 5/31/2012 10:14 AM, berritorre wrote:
Hi Paul!

I am not sure if I can follow.

In my few tests Libreoffice exportet interpreted the fixed length as the
width of the cell showing in CALC.

Unfortunately for me CALC somehow gives a little space to the left when
presenting the data and thus in the export there is a space. When I manuall
adapt the width and get rid of the little white space in front of my content
it exports just fine, without the unnecessary space. But with about
1000-2000 columns manually adapting the width is not an option.

In your case it probably added the spaces at the end because your data in
the cells is formatted as text (left aligned) while mine are number (right
aligned). So I don't see much difference.

When you open up the width of the cell, Libreoffice adds many spaces. I'll
do some testing with OpenOffice and with the newest version of LibreOffice

I'll also try to follow your instructions above.

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