You should be able to delete all of Configurations2/..., 
Thumbnails/thumbnail.png, and manifest.rdf without any harm whatsoever, so long 
as the related <manifest:file-entry> elements are deleted from 
You should probably *not* keep the settings.xml if you are creating a different 
content.xml file (just in case).

You might check on consistency of version attribute occurrences and their 
values.  For ODF 1.2 documents, it is expected that there will be a consistent 
use of "1.2" in a variety of places.  If there are any missing version 
attributes or ones with conflicting values of "1.0" or "1.1", that might be a 
problem as well.

This is a bit trickier.  What version of ODF are you specifying in your 
"template" and the subsequent manipulations?

It could be none of these that are derailing LO.  It could be some sort of 
problem being caught in the resolution of styles, or some problem where 
automatic styles are involved.


When LO says the document is corrupted, do you have an option to attempt 
"recovery" or "repair"?  When you exercise that option, can you save the result 
and reopen *that* successfully in LO ?  I think you have done this according to 
your other report.

If that works, you then need to figure out what it is that is different in the 
repaired one and the one that was declared corrupt.  Look at the manifest and 
the files that are present, and in the root element opening tags for styles.xml 
and content.xml.  (Notice the office:version attributes and any 
manifest:version attributes as well.)  Check to see whether automatic styles 
were added to content.xml where there are none (?) for your "corrupted" 

 - Dennis

-----Original Message-----
From: Eric Brunel [] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2012 01:25
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Document 'corrupt' for LibreOffice, opens fine 
with other OOo-based software

[ ... ]
> Working from memory in order to reply quickly, I believe that there  
> *IS* an ODF requirement for every stream in the package (a Zip) to  
> be accounted for in META-INF/manifest.xml except the manifest  
> itself, mimetype, and anything else in META-INF/ (except if it is  
> meant to be encryptable).  I suspect the specifications are silent  
> concerning META-INF/manifest.xml entries that have no corresponding  
> stream in the Zip.  I need to confirm the facts.

Thanks for the hints. Worked on that, but no luck so far: I removed  
the references to the non-existing files and directories in the META- 
INF/manifest.xml file, but the document is still reported as corrupt.  
Then I did the reverse: keeping the existing META-INF/manifest.xml  
file and copying all the missing files and directories from the  
repaired document: LO still says the document is corrupt… I've checked  
the manifest.xml file thoroughly, and it does reference exactly all  
the files in the document, except everything in the META-INF directory  
itself and the mimetype file.

> I would not be surprised if this tightening of consistency with the  
> manifest is for purposes of improved detection of tampering and the  
> possible incidence of a security exploit of one kind or another.   
> There is a practice in security cases to avoid providing details  
> since it provides too much information for someone attempting to  
> craft an exploit.  That's a stretch in this case.

This was what came to my mind too…

> It would be useful to soften the message to one of "There are  
> inconsistencies and it is possible the document is corrupted."  The  
> request for permission to attempt correction by eliminating the  
> inconsistencies should be quite clear.  It would also be valuable to  
> report whether there was any apparent data loss or that repair did  
> not involve loss of anything critical to the document.  Encouraging  
> a save-as of the repaired document to a different location would  
> also be handy in restoring the confidence of the user in the  
> successful effort.

Well again, telling the reason why the document is reported as corrupt  
would be a great help too. As it is now, we have to rely on wild  
guesses to figure out what to correct in the generated document, and  
that's a long and painful thing to do…

Anyway, thanks a lot again for your answers.
  - Eric -

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