I started out on mainframes when a small computer was the size of a refrigerator. Then I bought my first computer as a kit and ran PC DOS on it. So I have seen the PCs from their start.

For Windows, I started using doPDF PDF printing software for maybe 8 or 10 years. I do not remember but I started using it on an XP laptop. I just printed the document as a PDF file instead to a physical paper printer. That was the best free option for PDF creation that I had found when I was using Windows. Now that I use Ubuntu 10.04 and 12.04, I use CUPS-PDF for my "default printer". I do not remember when Export-to-PDF came in LO, but I started using it with 3.3.0, the first version.

To be honest, doPDF and CUPS-PDF printing does everything I ask it to for portrait documents. For landscape docs that are to be viewed as a PDF file and not printed later, I need to use LO's PDF options. CUPS-PDF makes the PDF file formatted for printing portrait pages, with the text sideways in landscape mode. Not good if you want to read the PDF file with the default PDF reader package.

I would like to look at the file and see if I can create a PDF file, properly, from it. I can try Win XP and Vista, along with Ubuntu. I can try Exporting to PDF and try doPDF and CUPS-PDF printing. It has to work some way. I do not have Win7, yet, but I want to upgrade the Vista part of a dual booting laptop to Win7 sometime this year.

webmas...@krackedpress.com       [email used for the lists]
webmas...@libreoffice-na.us         [LO related email off the list]

On 07/29/2012 11:32 AM, Hylton Conacher (ZR1HPC) wrote:
On 28/07/12 19:45, Don C. Myers wrote:
I'm running LO on Ubuntu 12.04. I've used all previous versions of LO
through the present My experience with export to pdf is that
the entire file is exported. It does not work to select one page or a
certain selection on a page. If I want to print just 1 page of a
multipage document or print a section of a page, that needs to be done
with a pdf printer, such as the one webmaster-Kracked_P_P mentioned
below, and not through export to pdf.

Don and Kracked and maybe Lynne,

I am running openSuSe 11.2 which I will agree is not the latest and greatest but it has worked for me. I will more than likely be upgrading to 12.2 when it is released.

I am an EX-Windows user all the way from 3.11 to Win XP.

I make no excuses that I am a KDE GUI user and have to admit whilst the cli seems far more capable in terms of package installation and dependencies, I do not know or understand the syntax and procedures i.e. to update to LO 3.5.5, without breaking anything on my current production system.

The current version of LO in use here on Win is 3.3 and on Linux is 3.4.5. I had thought that perhaps 3.3 was a little dated and hoped that a newer version would assist for PDF creation, alas it did not.

The 'Export to PDF' used to work on 3.3, even for a select number of Tabs in a Calc file, as I can do so for at least two other files, HOWEVER,

The main problem is that it has stopped being able to be completed on this one file, and I do not know why.

The export to PDF of only a selection of Tabs in Calc in certainly possible by holding down the Ctrl key and selecting the Tabs. Choosing File: Export as PDF brings up a menu box that you need to specify to make a PDF of 'the selection' as opposed to the whole file. There are other options i.t.o. recipients view, image compression etc.

Confirming brings up a file manager window so you can select the location of the exported PDF file and also to name it in said location.

I have LO installed on my Win 7 laptop and can access said file via SAMBA however I cannot write the PDF file from this specific Calc file onto the host file-system, even though no errors where found in a recent fsck on reboot?

I'll send the file to anyone privately to sort this out.

On 07/28/2012 01:34 PM, webmaster-Kracked_P_P wrote:

Windows users can get free PDF printer drivers, like doPDF. Linux
users can use other options like CUPS-PDF.  What are you using to
print your files to PDF with?

We what to encourage Windows users, and to tell them they are stupid
to use it.  I know of many people who cannot use Linux due to software
needs that will not run with WINE.  I must keep a Windows system for
both hardware and software needs.  I prefer Ubuntu, but I know that
most people will not switch to Linux no matter what we tell them.

We need to get more and more Windows users to get away from MSO and
get them to look into FOSS as a viable option for their software needs.

For most users, Windows is a viable option over Linux.  As long as
they feel comfortable with it.

I know we had a thread before about not telling people that my/your OS
is better than someone else's.  Every user has their own needs and own
ideas of what OS is better for THEM.

Right now we want to help users to see that LO is right for them, no
matter which OS they use.  I have it on 2 version of Windows and 2
versions of Ubuntu.  We need to help users with their issues and not
"joke" that there is something funny with the OS they are using.  I do
not find it to be funny.

If a user is having problems with the Exporting/Printing to PDF that
is a part of LO, then I would say that they need to install a PDF
printer options - doPDF for Windows and some option depending on the
version of Linux they use.  Then test the PDF output with one of those
PDF printers.  If they have the same issue, then it is not the
Exporting to PDF that is the issue.  A different poster to this thread
has come up with an option for the user to test.  I am not a Calc
person, so I look at the Exporting/Printing part of the issue and let
some one else take on the possibility of it is something to do with
the setup of the file itself and not the printing part of it.

whatever we do, we should not make fun of the user, his/her OS, the
system used, or even state it is all due to them using an older
version of LO.  Not all of us have the money to buy a better system,
have access to Broadband so they can download a newer version every
time one comes out.  No everyone will feel comfortable to use Linux
for their system, or can change their OS due to some requirement that
they have no control over.  Business users may not own their systems
and may have a difficult time even to be allowed to use LO instead of

To be honest, we need to accept that we have a lot of Windows users
that have the option to use MSO and we need to prove to them that LO
is a viable option to use instead of buying another version of MSO. LO
is not the default for most Linux versions. MSO is the package most
Windows user know as their only office package option.  We need to get
the word out there to these Windows users that LO is there and we want
them to try it.  We do not want them to think we are stuck-up
egg-headed Linux users that do not accept that there is anything wrong
with them using Windows.   I prefer to use Ubuntu, but I do not think
most Windows users will be able to switch.  I know of some Linux users
who had to make one of their system run Windows due to the fact that
need to use a certain type of software and Linux does not have the
software they need.  One young fellow needs some really good
post-production video editing software.  He prefers Linux for
everything, but he just cannot find the software he needs for Linux.

LO runs on many different OSs.  Then be a support to all of those
different OS users for LO and not blame anything on their choice of
OS.  IF we do, then we might as well start telling people that their
version of Linux is laughable over our version of Linux. Now where
would you think that would get us? Nothing but trouble and in-fighting.

On 07/28/2012 11:40 AM, Lynne Stevens wrote:

*Don't you have the ability to print to a PDF file ?  Linux gives me
the choice to print the file or print to a PDF file and asks where to
save it and a name for it . . You must be a windows user LOL ! I
really feel sorry for windows users ROFLMAO

On 07/28/2012 06:42 AM, Hylton Conacher (ZR1HPC) wrote:

I have an rainfall.ods document that has 24 tabs. Two of the tabs
contain figures and the balance contain graphs of the figures.

I recently experienced a problem, it would seem after my last tab
addition, that prevents me from creating a PDF file of the selected

The PDF export works fine on other files regarding `Export as PDF',
why not on this file?

I was using LibreOffice 3.3 and have since updated to LibreOffice 3.4.5
OOO340m1 (Build:1505). Unfortunately the newer version is unable to
`Export as PDF' on the selected TABS either!!

What could be wrong? There are no special characters in the sheet
names bar possibly a space.

I will gladly send this file to anyone who can assist as I need to
create and post to a public user mailing list a PDF at the end of
the month.

Help is much appreciated

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