Tod, you're correct;
           although the businesses fail to consider the cost of
safeguarding their machines;
              a cost which would be considerably reduced by not using the
MSFT products.

On Wed, Aug 8, 2012 at 4:26 PM, T Hopkins <> wrote:

On Aug 8, 2012, at 1:39 PM, Gordon Burgess-Parker wrote:
> > The problem doesn't seem to be so much with management not wanting to
> change - it seems to be with fear of the IT dept.
> There are very sound reasons that businesses are conservative.  Businesses
> don't like change because change costs money.  You don't argue for change
> by saying something is "just as good" or "not as bad as you think."  You
> must argue that change is BETTER than not changing and will ultimate
> increase productivity, which increases profits.
> The difference in cost of the initial license, when considered from the
> full deployment/productivity calculation of an IT manager, is often not the
> deciding factor.  The primary cost of changing software is not the license,
> but installation, configuration, training, and lost productivity during
> conversion.  If you put all of this on a balance sheet for a company that
> is currently using MS Office, the cost of "upgrading" the existing software
> is often much lower than the cost of changing new software, even when that
> new standard has a free license.
> Cheers,
>              tod
> Tod Hopkins
> Hillmann & Carr Inc.

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