Hi Vytas,

Vytas schrieb:

I have about 2453 records for which I require to sum numerous columns
ie. A * H, A* I , A*J ....

The following equation will sum the values of each column
[=SUM($H$2:$H$2453)].  Is there a way I can multiply the summation
column by the corresponding  column A value for each record?  What I am
trying to avoid is creating another sheet which multiplies the values
before summing.

In pseudo code what I want is  =SUM($A$2*$H$2:$A$2453*$H$2453) which
unfortunately does not work.

A          H           I             J            K L           M
2.59    26.64    27.31    27.98    28.65    29.32    29.99
2.29    18.26    18.81    19.36    19.91    20.46    21.01

You need the function SUMPRODUCT.

Kind regards

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