2012/10/14 NoOp <gl...@sbcglobal.net>

> On 10/11/2012 07:26 AM, scott0711 wrote:
> > Thanks Tom:
> >
> >   Ihe picture which i posted was made this afternoon, Taiwan time. Maybe
> i
> > did not explain it clearly.
> > The Libeoffice version is 3.6.2, and the encoding of Chinese is utf-8. No
> > matter is utf-8, unicode, big5 it happens the same.
> >
> > oh, "Import file" means open a text file, and set delimiter of fixed
> width
> > column.
> 'Fixed Width' means just that. You manually set the width:
> ====
> Help:
> Text Import
> Sets the import options for delimited data.
> ...
> Fixed width
> Separates fixed-width data (equal number of characters) into columns.
> Click on the ruler in the preview window to set the width.
> ====
> Chinese/Japanese etc are double-byte 8 bit characters. My guess would be
> that 'Fixed Width' only uses standard ascii characters.
> Perhaps you could post a sample file somewhere? Or perhaps test with the
> file supplied here:
> <http://www.mantisbt.org/bugs/view.php?id=11360>
> [http://www.mantisbt.org/bugs/file_download.php?file_id=2649&type=bug]
> Note: that file is 'comma' separated - you can see in both the import
> and when you open it in a standard text editor.
> With regard to Henri & Dr. Stapf's posts: I think that you both may be
> commenting on a different issue? I can copy & paste from a web site (I
> used the link provided by Scott: http://blog.openoffice.com.tw/?p=100),
> copied
> OxOffice修正項目三:修正資料剖析之中文疊字問題
> 發表於 2010 年 10 月 12 日 由 OSSII
> 已修正版本:【OxOffice 3 R3W1】
> 對於公司內部還有大量舊型資料庫來說,資訊人員或是基層人員的每天的例行任務
> 一定有一項是將資料庫內的營業資訊匯出成【純文字檔】其格式可能是【TXT或是
> CSV】,而在大多數的客戶資料庫中,往往有很多資料品項都是用【中文】命名,
> 若使用官版OOo匯入的話,其內部的中文字會堆疊在一塊,造成不少的困擾,畫面
> 會如下圖所示:
> Pasted into Writer (font is AR PL UMing TW). Then selected 對於公司內部
> 還有大量舊型資料庫來說,and pasted into a single cell in Calc. Result
> was that the cell adjusted width and displayed properly. However the
> font was interpreted as WenQuanYi Zen Hei (same as you'll probably see
> in this msg). Changing the font back to 'AR PL UMing TW' in Calc
> resolved that issue for me.
> Linux LO
> Version (Build ID: da8c1e6)
> and
> LibreOffice
> Build ID: 3fa2330-e49ffd2-90d118b-705e248-051e21c


Thanks for hopping in here, Gary ! I rechecked in Calc on Version
(Build ID: 360m1(Build:101))  with the texts I myself had pasted in
previously and then followed the procedure you outlined above using Scott's
text, but the results were the same, i e, the right lateral boundary of the
cells in question were violated in each case. I then tried writing in a
Chinese text directly in a cell, using SCIM 1.4.9, but no change ; again
the text did not wrap. Thinking that this problem couldn't be limited to
Chinese and Japanese texts, I tried writing in an English text with the
same discouraging results. I then went to Format → Cell → Alignment →
Properties and ticked the box entitled «Wrap text automatically» and
repeated the procedure - as I suspected, the text, no matter whether the
language in which it is couched, is wrapped. Thus, on my machine at least,
not wrapping is the default, but can be achieved, as seen above, by ticking
the «Wrap» box. What I cannot do, however, is to set «Wrap text
automatically» as the default so that texts are automatically wrapped when
pasted or written in ; rather, I have to tick the box for every individual
cell. Here below an illustration of what I see when the box is and not
ticked, respectively....

[image: Infogad bild 1]

How can I set Calc so that «Wrap text automatically» becomes the default


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