Joel Madero wrote:
Ah, yes my mistake for assuming what you were using. I'll have to look into
writer. I just tried inserting a table (1x1) and putting the formula, no


Joel et al,
Curious, I tried "=TODAY()" as a field variable formula and it doesn't work, with or without the "=". Inserting a table is a brute force method, but as you say, it doesn't seem to work either. Writer's tables are a subset of Calc tables and "=TODAY()" may not be a supported formula. A better approach might be to:

  1. Place the cursor where you want the date.
  2. Select Insert -> Fields -> Other
  3. Select the "Document" tab
  4. Select "Date" for "Type"
  5. Select "Date" for "Select"
  6. Choose your date format under "Format".
  7. Click on "Insert".

If in step #5 you select "Date (Fixed)", I think that will insert today's date but it will not update in future edits. Even this procedure may not work in a template. More investigation is needed.
Hope this helps.
Girvin Herr

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