At 08:52 21/11/2012 -0500, Dan Lewis wrote:
On 11/21/2012 06:07 AM, Barry Say wrote:
Is it the case that a document **must* *end with a paragraph mark. I am editing a publication which is a master document and I would like to specify that for a given sub-document I wish to have nothing below it on the page but when I insert a page break I am given another page with a blank paragraph which I do not want. I am aware of the possibility of specifying that a document must start a fresh page, but I have tried that in the past and introduced a non-deletable feature in the master document.

Yes, all documents **must** end with a paragraph mark. Writer documents are written using XML. The "markers" used to format the text are used in pairs. If there is a beginning of a paragraph, there must be an ending of it. The paragraph markers only visually show you where the paragraphs begin and end.

Sorry, but I don't think this argument works (though I'm not disputing your first sentence). The questioner is not suggesting that there should somehow be a paragraph that begins but does not end. The last real (non-empty) paragraph will begin and end normally. Then there is a page break. He wants the document to end there; there would be no unbalanced paragraph indicators. Instead, it is apparently required that after the page break there must be an additional empty paragraph: a further (and unwanted) balanced pair of paragraph indicators, that is. It would be possible to imagine a document without that empty paragraph without offending against your requirement for matching indicators.

Brian Barker

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