At 15:45 21/11/2012 +0000, David Lynch wrote:
I want to copy a value from a cell containing an array formula (in order to paste it into another program). Is there any way I can do this? (cntl-C and copy seem to do nothing). Is there a reason why this is impossible? (I can see why editing a single element of an array formula is disallowed, but not why copying it is.)

Interesting.  There are fairly easy workarounds:

o Copy the entire array of results.
o Paste somewhere else in the spreadsheet, but use Paste Special to paste values, not formulae.
o Copy the particular value you need to the other program.

o Copy the entire array of results.
o Paste into the other program, but using the equivalent of Paste Special to paste unformatted text.
o Delete the values you don't need.

o In your spreadsheet, create an additional range of cells that is a simple copy of the array of results. (Hide it if you wish.)
o Copy from that range of cells instead of from the array formula.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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