Ian ,

or maybe just place a listener on the filed who contains "Cat" data.
on changing the field content place a event who run a macro:

The eventlistner produce a oEvent object who contains the "source" = field object and the source.context = Form object

IF Oevent.source.model.text = "abc" THEN Oevent.source. context . backgroundcolor == "<colour string1>" OR ...

hope it helps
Hi All

I have a Membership Database running on MySQL 5.1 with an LO Base Front end Ver All running on PCLOS 2012. My Members fall into two or three different Categories and I would like to be able to show this on screen.

SO - Is it possible to add in a statement to the Form design so that the background colour of the Form will change depending on the value set in a field called 'Cat'?

Something like....
IF 'Cat'="abc" THEN Bgd Colour = "<colour string1>" OR
IF 'Cat'="cde" THEN Bgd Colour = "<colour string2>"

Thanks for any help!!

Pretoria RSA

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