At 09:00 05/12/2012 +0000, Tom Davies wrote:
At 03:03 05/12/2012 +0000, Brian Barker wrote:
At 15:19 04/12/2012 -0500, Felmon Davis wrote:
I notice one cannot see one's own posts; is it possible to switch this on?

Your problem is not with the LibreOffice list, but with your mail provider Gmail - which has a bug^H^H^H feature which suppresses copies distributed to you of your own messages to the list.

Google says:
When you send mail to any group or mailing list you subscribe to, Gmail automatically skips your inbox and archives the message to save you time and prevent clutter. The message will appear in your inbox if someone responds to it or if there is an error delivering the message. If you'd like to view your message, you can find it in Sent Mail or All Mail.

It can be argued that this practice is unhelpful.

I think there is some default setting when you apply to these lists that sets it so you can't see your own posts except through Nabble or GMane.

Then you think wrongly - unless you explicitly subscribe to the "nomail" version of the list (and that is no default; indeed, it is not even mentioned at the web site).

So, it's not just GMail that is blocking him.

I fear it is.

Personally I think it's a huge benefit. I see my own posts in people's replies and notice all the horrible tpyos and embarrassments that I didn't notice while typing. So, i am quite glad of it.

This makes no sense. If (as would be sensible) you are concerned to be aware of the appearance of your own messages as distributed by the list, you would deprecate Gmail's practice, not applaud it.

Brian Barker

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