Hi "e-letter",

e-letter schrieb:

Despite the opinion of the original poster
(https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=38113), the loss in
information is not the fault of LO, but m$, who claim not to support
such compatibility

In the "differences" web page published by m$, it is also claimed that
formulas are supported.

When a spreadsheet was created in LO (of course to the native ods
format, because we are not using LO as a free m$ clone and saving
documents to m$ formats, but instead using ods to promote odf, aren't
we??? ;) ), after opening in m$ excel 2010 (yes, m$ can open ods
spreadsheets, so use that format please!!!) , the formulas were lost,
leaving only the result values in the spreadsheet cells.

LO saves to ODF1.2, but Excel 2010 does not claim to support that version, but only supports ODF1.1. Excel 2010 does not claim to support OpenFormula, but supports only its own formula namespace. So it is not a "bug" in Excel 2010 but a missing feature. Showing the result is better than LO does. LO shows an error message when getting an unknown function.

So there is no need to tell Microsoft a "bug".

Instead of reporting another erroneous LO bug, does someone know how
to forward this error with m4 excel 2010 to m$ bug reporting service?

Register for the trial of Excel 2013. It has an icon to report bugs. But be aware, that Excel 2013 supports ODF1.2. If you find, that a document, that has been generated by LO and which has no foreign elements (elements which are not defined in ODF1.2 but are in the OpenOffice.org or LibreOffice namespace) is not treated correctly in Excel 2013, than sent a bug report via this icon.

Kind regards

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