At 14:29 26/02/2013 -0800, J H K Mont wrote:
I am trying to construct a simple spreadsheet for the allocation of Gift Aid Refunds to different charities. My apologies for the layout of the spreadsheet, it changes from the original when I preview it.

To explain:-
Column A = Envelope number held by a specific person, this could also be a name.
Column B = The total amount that person gave to the charity
Column C = cell which confirms that the allocation to specific funds equals the total amount donated, this adds together totals in each fund column. Column D = This identifies if the person giving the donation has signed a gift aid form. If the cell is "Y" then the Gift Aid Refund allocation can be added to the individual funds. If the cell indicates "N" then the Gift aid form has not been signed therefore there will be no gift aid allocation.
Cell D2 shows the Gift Aid Refund rate claimable.
Columns E, G, etc. shows how the donor has asked for his donations to be allocated within the charity Columns F, H, etc.. shows the amount in Gift Aid refunds should be allocated to each fund. In the example below you will see that envelope 1 has signed a Gift Aid form and therefore his donations to funds 1 & 2 are increased by £12.50 each. Env. 2 has not signed the Gift Aid form, therefore no Gift Aid can be claimed.

Could someone please give me the formula to use to identify the amount to allocate, in cell F4 I have inserted the amount to allocated from Gift Aid without the information in D4.

Gift Aid Refund 25.00% Fund 1 Fund 2 Env No. Donation Total Allocated Gift Aid? Fund 1 Gift Aid Fund 2 Gift Aid 1 £100.00 £100.00 Y £50.00 £12.50 £50.00 £12.50 2 £125.00 £125.00 N £100.00 £25.00

I'm having to assume that the value you have in D2 is a proper percentage, i.e. the value 0.25 formatted as Percent, and not, say, a text string.

In F4, enter
In H4, enter:
In each case, fill these formulae down the column.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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