Hi Franziska,

I am forwarding this to the users list where there are plenty of calc experts in residence.


On 03/07/2013 07:32 AM, Franziska Schulthess wrote:

I'm currently working on a translation of the calc guide into German, specifically the part on validity.

I noticed that in the online help (https://help.libreoffice.org/Calc/Criteria) the statement about Cell range doesn't fit the behaviour of Calc 3.6. If a range with more than one column is specified it uses the values in all columns not only the first. Maybe that has changed in 4.0, but I haven't gotten around to installing that version.

On the page with the error alert (https://help.libreoffice.org/Calc/Error_Alert) there is an example for a macro that can be started when a wrong value is entered. I would like to include it in the guide as an example, but I know nothing about how macros work. Can anyone tell me if the macro works with the current version and what it does?


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