On 31/03/13 11:33, Jeff Shrowder wrote:
> On 03/29/2013 09:24 PM, Marc Paré wrote:
>> Le 29/03/13 05:11 AM, Jeff Shrowder a écrit :
>>> Marc,
>>> Thank you for your persistence. Unfortunately, having tried your
>>> suggestion above, I don't think we are any further advanced :-( Perhaps
>>> one minor difference is that the landscape printing is now flush with
>>> the left margin rather than centred on the portrait page.
>>> Let me know the name of the file that you would like examine and I can
>>> send it to you.
>>> Regards,
>>> Jeff
>> Just one of your booklet files will suffice. Is this behaviour the
>> same for all of
>> your booklets? If so, then it is probably of no use to test-try any of
>> them. I
>> thought that the problem was with only one file in particular.
>> Just send me any file, and I will check to see if there is a problem
>> on my system.
>> Could you also let us know specifically on which system you are
>> working on?
>> OS and version:
>> LibreOffice version:
>> Printer name and model:
>> Perhaps someone else with the same model could chime in and test-try
>> one of your
>> files to see if they get the same results.
>> Cheers,
>> Marc
> Marc and all who have offered assistance in this saga, I am admitting
> defeat :-(
> At one stage late in my struggles I thought I saw a glimmer of hope - I
> printed an A4 landscape page of text. However, the inability to
> successfully print an A5 booklet on A4 landscape remained.
> Having expended way more time, anxiety, frustration, paper, toner and
> energy than any normal person would I have reluctantly removed
> LibreOffice and installed ver 3.4.5, the stable version in the
> Scientific Linux repository. Whatever else it may or may not do it is
> printing booklets successfully.
> I remain committed to LibreOffice and regret that I could neither crack
> the problem or offer enough useful information for other willing helpers
> to find a solution.
> Cheers,
> Jeff

I think you are trying to do something that I do regularly, print a
booklet consisting of A5 portrait pages on A4 landscape paper.  A quick
look through this thread does not seem to have given you the answer.

Your booklet needs to be formatted in writer on A5 portrait pages.
Then, these are my instruction to myself:

Paper size A4
Duplex short edge
printer options, brochure

Works for me.


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