Thanks for the replies. I'm away for the next couple of days, so I won't be
able to try the suggestions till I get back.

I take it that Report Builder is part of the download of LO 3.6.5, (which I
tried a while ago but ran into problems that I didn't have time to
investigate fully, so I went back to LO  If I try LO 3.6.5,
should I remove Oracle Report Builder 1.2.1 before installing 3.6.5?

I'm running Windows 7 64 Bit.


Noel Lodge

On 5 April 2013 10:54, Girvin R. Herr <> wrote:

> Marion & Noel Lodge wrote:
>> Sorry about my previous post.  Hit the wrong button and sent it
>> prematurely!
>> With Oracle Report Builder it does not seem to be possible to have a text
>> field overflow into the next line and push everything below that down a
>> line.  (I'm porting an application from an old Paradox system and this was
>> possible in Paradox reports.)  If I make the text box double height in
>> Report Builder, then the second line appears OK, but most of the records
>> don't need a second line and end up being double spaced.  Is there any
>> work
>> around for this?
>> What I have tried is to use a macro to check the length of each text
>> string
>> ,
>> and if it exceeds 40 characters then I create a second record to contain
>> the excess characters.
>> I've almost got it working as shown below -
>>   Date                                      Details
>>                               Reference        Amount
>> 01/01/2013     Dick Smith - 3.5mm Plug &14.94, 25 CD
>> 13636                49.92 Dr
>>                        Cases $9.98, Headphones $25.00
>>                     N.aN  Dr
>> The problem is the N.aN in the amount column.  In the Table this field is
>> blank, but Report Builder displays it as N.aN which I understand means
>> 'Not
>> a Number'.  I want it to be blank in the Report.  I've tried all sort of
>> possibilities in Conditional Print in the General Tab for that field, but
>> nothing seems to work.  Has anyone found a solution to this problem?
>> One final question - is there a better alternative to Oracle Report
>> Builder?
>> I am running LibreOffice, Oracle Report Builder 1.2.1 and Windows
>> 7 64 Bit
>> Thanks,
>> Noel
>> --
>> Noel Lodge
> I am running LO (Linux) and it has "Report Builder" version 1.2.3
> bundled in.  So something has been changed.  You might try that upgrade.
> Note that "Oracle Report Builder" is a term that Apache Open Office still
> uses for their report builder extension.  However, LibreOffice uses just
> "Report Builder" when referring to their bundled report builder extension.
>  So your use of the ORB term is confusing, since theoretically you could
> install the Oracle Report Builder over top of the LO-bundled Report
> Builder.  You need to inform this forum just which RB you are using.
> Girvin Herr

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