On Tue, 16 Apr 2013 03:59:59 +0200, Girvin Herr <girvin.h...@sbcglobal.net> 

On 04/15/2013 04:31 PM, Dan Lewis wrote:
On 04/15/2013 05:53 PM, Girvin Herr wrote:
I am configuring a new Linux system with MySQL 5.5.29 and LibreOffice  Since it is a new install, I figured I would try using the
MySQL (Native) connector for the first time. However, it did not
work.  Of the 3 selections {MySQL (JDBC), MySQL (Native), and MySQL
(ODBC), I selected the MySQL (Native) option, but when I selected the
tables icon and entered my password at the prompt, I got the following:

   The connection to the data source "foobar" could not be established.

   The connection to the external data source could not be established.
   No SDBC driver was found for the given URL.

When I clicked on the more information button, I got:

   SQL Status: HY000


   A connection for the following URL was requested

Clearly I have a disconnect.  What is this SDBC driver I am being
told is missing?
Is this SDBC driver going to be any better than the JDBC driver I had
been using?

I was under the impression that to use the Native connection, all was
supplied with LO and I would not need any other drivers.  I can
always go back to the mysql-connector-java driver (JDBC), but I was
hoping the LO native driver could work better.

Thanks in advance.
Girvin Herr
     I have been able to use the AOO version of MySQL Connector 1.0.1
for LO 3.5.x through There seems to be a secrete: you must
also install these files: libmysqlclient18 and libmysqlcppconn5. After
installing them and MySQL Connector 1.0.1, you should be able to
connect to a MySQL Server. One more point, if you have been using
JDBC MySQL connector, you must remove it from the Class Path (Tools >
Options > LibreOffice > Java > Class Path. This works for me using
Ubuntu 12.04 32 and 64 bit.
     The LO native driver was built with LO 4.0.0 so it will only work
for 4.0.0 and above. The previous paragraph is for those who do not
want to use 4.0.x until many of the bugs have been eliminated.


So, the Native driver only works on 4.x.  So much for that.
I just re-packaged Mysql-connector-java 5.1.18, which LO found, but LO
needs to be restarted and I don't want to do that until I power up again
tomorrow.  I have 5 open files and it is a pita closing and reopening
them.  Yes, I am lazy.  So, the final test will have to wait until tomorrow.
Thanks for the help.
Girvin Herr

Hello from sunny Salzburg,
...The previous paragraph is for those who do not
want to use 4.0.x until many of the bugs have been eliminated.
I have tried 4.0.2 on my Debian-Wheezy- and Mint Linux systems. For "production"
purposes I have gone back to 3.6.5. The main reason is that - while the Native
MySQL Connector DOES work on 4.0.2 - in my mind the Report Builder is not yet
usable. For example, it ignores font specifications and sometimes positions
data wrongly within defined fields (eg. top and not middle as specified in the
field definition). Something must be wrong in the way LO 4.0 interefaces to the
Report Builder, seeing as the latter works o.k. under 3.6

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