Le 24/04/2013 14:36, sun shine a écrit :


> How can I advise her to save spreadsheets as *.csv formats in a way that
HMRC can read these as if saved in the MS Dos CSV format (which LibO
doesn't have the option to do)? Is there something in the save procedure
that she needs to attend to?

Sorry if I appear a bit dim, but CSV literally stands for Comma Separated Values, with a line feed/carriage return symbol at the end of each line. Unix and MS-DOS line feeds/newline commands are different, e.g. Unix relies on \n to indicate a newline, whereas MS-DOS (and Windows) relies on \n\r (or LF/CR). Is this the type of formatting you are looking for ?

What exactly are the errors that your wife sees when opening the CSV file in Excel ?


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