At 19:39 05/06/2013 +0200, Adam Noname wrote:
On 05.06.2013 19:19, Brian Barker wrote:
At 18:43 05/06/2013 +0200, Adam Noname wrote:
I have two list of times in format HH:MM , :
Then I want to sum all differences. It is not hard = SUM(D2:D33) . It should be in [HH]:MM format to show good number of hours. My result is: 149:43 . I want to round it to full hours, which should be IMHO 150 . How can I do it ?

The underlying value for your total is a simple numeric value, so the fact that your fraction of an hour is shown in base 60 (as minutes) is no complication. This underlying value is in days, so you need to multiply by 24 to get hours and then to round that:

= ROUND(SUM(D2:D33)*24)

but I get : 3600:00 . I have also to change cell format to number and then it works as expected 150

Indeed - because it is a number, of course!

Brian Barker

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