On 07/20/2013 12:21 PM, Mirosław Zalewski wrote:
On 20/07/2013 at 17:26, "Heinrich Stoellinger" <hc.stoellin...@aon.at> wrote:

I downloaded LO 4.1.0-RC3 yesterday. Looking at the files after tar -xvf
... I find that there still is no desktop-integration directory in the
main installation tree of files. Is it meant to be like that?
You are obviously talking about Linux, but since you did not specify
distribution, we have to guess...

Anyway, desktop integration packages has been moved from their own directory
into packages directory. In Debian and derivatives that is:

So we no longer have to do a separate install command for installing the desktop menus? So one "sudo dpkg -i *.deb" is all we need?

That would be welcome.

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