On 27/07/13 10:53, Kracked_P_P---webmaster wrote:

Mint 14? MATE or Cinnamon desktop environment? I run Ubuntu 12.04LTS with MATE.

So the desktop-integration now works properly without the extra step.

Yes, the Language Pack before the Help Pack was something that I remember hearing about back in 3.4.x days.

Has anyone installed the RPM version of 4.1.0 and had any problems with the desktop-integration?

Yes, we need to mention the fact that there will not be the extra step to get the desktop menus to be "installed".


Hey there

I'm running the Mate desktop (most Gnome 2.6-like!) on Mint 14 32-bit, and the desktop integration does appear to happen relatively seamlessly. Just an aside, if, like me, one has embedded a launcher for LibO in one's panel, this should be removed and updated via the Add to Panel dialog.

In the docs for *.deb systems, the reference to the second step in the installation process references: "cd desktop-integration" and "sudo dpkg -i *.deb" . These lines just need to be deleted. The rest of the text stands. But, as there are no separate docs for the enclosed installation script, could a section be added here in the readme to document the script?

Sorry, can't help re: RPMs.

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