At 21:19 01/08/2013 +0200, Adam Noname wrote:
I use format [[HH]:MM for time. Then hour can be maximum 2 digit number ( from 0 to 24 ). Is it possible for calc to add sign : after every second number ?

Not as far as I know. Times are stored as numbers - as fractions of a day - so any number you enter, even if it contains a point, is interpreted as a number of days but then displayed in hours and minutes, as you have chosen. Critically, it is the presence of the colon that would indicate that you are entering a time in hours and minutes, and I don't see how you can stimulate that interpretation without it.

Maybe I didn't write it clearly.

Oh, I think you did.  Did you not understand the answer?

The cell is formatted [[HH]:MM first, ...

I'm slightly confused by this, as I don't see how that is possible. I assumed you meant [HH]:MM .

... then I enter digits ( time). I thought that cell format stimulates it, then IMHO automatic entering of : after second digit seems natural to me (:-))

This may be how the spreadsheet software you write yourself might work, but Calc doesn't do this. (Neither does Excel.) This particular cell formatting controls the display of cell contents rather than the interpretation of values entered. As I said, I think it's the colon you are trying to obviate that is the key to achieving what you need - at least directly.

Brian Barker

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