Le 19/08/13 14:30, mhaverin a écrit :


> DatabaseContext = createUnoService("com.sun.star.comp.sdbc.ado.ODriver")
> Connection = DatabaseContext.connect("sdbc:ado:PROVIDER=sqloledb;DATA
> SOURCE=myserver;INITIAL CATALOG=mydb;USER ID=user;PASSWORD=pwd", flatProp())
> Statement = Connection.prepareStatement("SELECT col1 FROM tbl1 WHERE col2 =
> ?")
> Statement.setString(1, "bbbb")
> ResultSet = Statement.executeQuery()
> MsgBox ResultSet.getString(1)
> End Sub
> When I run the script, I get a com.sun.star.sdbc.SQLException (Incorrect
> syntax near ':'..) at the executeQuery() line.
> If I replace the question mark in the query with 'bbbb' the code works fine.

So the question is not whether you can use prepared statements, but
whether you can use parameterized queries in prepared statements ?

I guess I would start with whether the simple parameterized SQL
statement actually runs correctly from within the LO Query SQL editor ?


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