At 23:26 24/08/2013 +0200, Pier Andreit wrote:
I cannot understand this part:
SEARCH("/[^/]*$", CELL("filename"))
I know it search in CELL("filename") but I cannot understand the criteria "/[^/]*$" from the tests it seems to find the last "/" in any string, and if you substitute the "/" with "." it works again finding the last ".", it is very useful .... :-) :-) :-) :-)

could somebody so marvellously noble and well-bred to explain the regular expressions here used??

I'm not even ordinarily noble - certainly not marvellously so - and I was only ordinarily bred; will I do?

The first character in the text string is the slash that you are looking for. A string in square brackets matches any single character which appears in that string. But if the first character is a circumflex (as here), it matches any single character *not* in that string. So leftbracket-circumflex-slash-rightbracket matches any single character other than a slash. The asterisk following this pattern causes a match with zero or more characters (as many as possible, in fact) preceding it - in this case the bracketed string. So the bracketed part followed by the asterisk together match as many characters as possibly not including a slash. The dollar sign locks the pattern to the end of a paragraph - in this case, the end of the entire text in the cell. So the whole string finds a slash followed by many not-slash characters, but only at the end of the string. As you say, that means everything from the last slash in the string to the end. The SEARCH() function then returns the position of the start of the matched text: the position of the last slash.

...a couple of beer paid for you...:-) :-) :-)

How kind! I'll enquire of my mail service provider how soon they can permit liquid attachments.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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