On 09/14/2013 07:01 PM, Tim Deaton wrote:
The closest I came to a solution was a scenario where all the dates for the year were in one column.

I put the dates for the year (Monday 12/31/2012 thru Sunday 1/5/2014 in A5:A375.
Then, in A1 I put whatever date I'm looking for.
Off to the side (D1) I entered: =VLOOKUP($A$1,$A$5:$A$375,1,0)-(A5-1)+4
     VLOOKUP(A1,$A$5:$A$375,1,1) finds the date you're looking for.
-(A5-1) subtracts the day before the first date on the list FROM the date found.
     +4 adds in the four rows above the range.
The result is the row number of the date you're looking for.
A simpler formula: =MATCH($a$1,$a$5:$a$375,0)+row($a$5)-1

MATCH returns the offset into the array (so if $a$1 = $a$5, MATCH would return 1), and row($a$5)-1 adjusts it to give the absolute row.

The reason I do it this way is that if you name the array (e.g. name it YearRange), it works as follows:


So you don't need to know what row your array starts on to write the formula.


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