Kracked_P_P---webmaster wrote:
On 10/02/2013 02:13 PM, wrote:
Andrew's email was sent as plain text, so displays using whatever font
your mail client is set to use. For me (Mozilla SeaMonkey), that's set
to Courier New for Western or Unicode text. However, the Content-Type
headers of Andrew's email and your reply indicate a Japanese character
set is used, for which my client is set to use MS Gothic. I guess
you're seeing something similar - MS Gothic does appear a bit more
difficult to read for Western text, but presumably it includes
Japanese characters while Courier New doesn't.


Well, it sure does not display in plain text.

There is no formatting in the email - there is only plain text, no HTML or other formatted part. It does display in plain text, but using a different font because the headers indicate that a Japanese character set is used.

My display default in Thunderbird is Times Roman.

Presumably that's so for text in Western character sets. I'm not sure where the fonts are set in Thunderbird, but in SeaMonkey it's under:
  Edit > Preferences > Appearance > Fonts
There you can set the fonts used for Serif, Sans Serif, Monospace, etc. However, by default it shows the fonts used for those things for text in on particular character set (Western in my case). Selecting a different character set from the "Fonts for" dropdown list shows (and allows changing of) the fonts to be used for text in that character set. You'll probably find that selecting Japanese there shows a different set of fonts, other than Times Roman.

The first image shows me the font that is unreadable
The second one shows my normal/default "Times" display.

Indeed, I see similar results with those emails, but with MS Gothic for Andrew's and Courier New usually. But it's nothing to do with any fonts the sender has set in the email, only those set in your Thunderbird for the different character sets.


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