Le 14/10/2013 21:02, Ken Springer a écrit :

Hi Ken,
I say this because I thought I read in a help file somewhere all you had
to do was place the extension in that folder and restart LO.  Which
didn't work.  LOL  So, went to find said help file, now I can't.  That's
not good.  <sigh>

I'm not convinced that this actually works, but am willing to be proved wrong. The way extension installation and registration worked (still works ?) was that active registration was required. In other words, the Extension Manager (and unopkg) did the work of actively registering the extension within the LO application framework. There was a change during 4.x development to switch some extensions to passive registration, perhaps that was the sense of what you read somewhere (I can only think of the developer's list or dev wiki for that, but I don't know my way around everything within LO).

At present, current development (in the master repo) has focussed on having the LO project built-in extensions use a particular prefix to separate those extensions that are built "natively" and those that have to be added by the user/admin. I don't really understand the what or the why behind it as I'm not a developer, but have been trying to follow that on the dev mailing list.

I don't follow today's norm for data/file storage on my computers.  Both
this Mac and all the Windows machines I own, I create that storage
somewhere else other than the OS partition.

I have tried that in the past, but on OSX, the LO application is an application bundle, and if you don't install an extension into the main app corresponding directory, then you have to be able to make sure that the user installation directory is visible to the main app. As the user profile config is stored in
/Application Support/LibreOffice

or whatever name I choose to call it, provided it matches the name of my LO app, I'm not sure if that still works if your user profile config folder is stored somewhere else. Certainly, I see no scope for that working with the main app bundle extensions directory, as I'm assuming, perhaps wrongly, that this is hardcoded.

I missed that earlier.  They just *had* to make it small text, they
couldn't have made it a button????  Developers and web site designers
have forgotten how to design for total newbies, which is how I look at
all software, web sites, and OS interfaces.  As if today, humans are not
born with the computer knowledge and skills many developers and web site
designers seem to take for granted all users have.

Oh I agree that LO is far from having an intuitve interface. The problem is that we all beg to differ on what an intuitive UI should be like. Current thinking in the LO UX (user experience) group, if I understand correctly, is to adhere to the Elementary OS HMI guidelines :


Whether that thinking will move things along in the direction you would like, I really have no idea.


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