Hi All

I've had some success at last!!

Using Shane Piper's Tutorial at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TcudVETPePY I have got my sub-Forms working fine.

My last problem was with Opening a Form with a Button and again Shane has a Tutorial on this at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Zmd-zidIvg

But I have been unable to get it to work on LO
Today I started my old machine running LO and it works fine on that machine!!!
(Both machines running PClinuxOS)

The Macro is ...

REM ***** BASIC *****
Sub OpenStoryForm
const sNewDocumentName = "Database Name.Form Name"
oNewFormDocument = ThisDatabaseDocument.FormDocum­ents.getbyname(sNewDocumentNam­e).open
End Sub

We have tried with and without the <Database Name> and with and without the '.' between the two -
but no difference. Nothing happens at all when you click on the Button.

Has anyone seen this or knows of a reason for this?
I'm thinking of dropping back to LO 4.0 and see if it works on that.

Thanks for any info

Pretoria RSA

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