Another way to manipulate PDFs is with PDFBox.

If you're on a Mac, you can just use Preview.

However, these things are not designed to modify the layout of pages. PDF is a page definition format; it defines the layout of pages. There are only very limited changes you can make.

Changing layouts means going back to sources and re-creating the PDFs.
On 29/01/2014 2:32 pm, Anthony Baldwin wrote:
On 01/28/2014 09:50 PM, Don Myers wrote:
Hi Charles,

I'm not aware of any way to merge multiple pdf files using LO.

The only way I know to merge pdf files with with pdftk.
Works great.


There are
others on the list more knowledgeable than I, so maybe it can be done.
There is a free, open source program that I've used to merge multiple
PDF files into one file called PDFsam. It is available for Linux,
Windows, and Mac. In Ubuntu there is an older version in the software
center. That is what I've used. It has always worked well.


On 01/28/2014 08:41 PM, charles meyer wrote:
I've got 3 or so separate PDF files.

I'd like to merge them all into one PDF file in Writer in Office

Each page of each PDF file has a lot of empty space around the graphic

Ex. 2 inches above and below the graphic on each page and a good 3
inches on each side of each graphic is white, empty space.

Is there a way to eliminate all the empty space around each graphic in
in each page in each PDF or once all the PDFs are merged into one
larger PDF?

Thanks so much,


Peter West
"Other seed fell among thorns, and the thorns grew up and choked it..."

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